During its meeting in April 2004 the SAF Governing Council decided to allocate 750 Madanjeet Singh scholarships for vocational training to SOS Villages in the region. The SOS was implemented in 2005 and SOS-Bangladesh has been able to train 189 orphan children not only from the SOS Village but also from outside. |
Beneficiaries on Electronics Trade Continuing Studies from VTC Dhaka. |
The SAF is primarily using its cutting-edge communication technology for imparting education and skills in the SAARC. The SAF deputed two IT experts who instructed 58 teachers on networking, and the installation of software management, as well as on monitoring information about teachers’ salaries and students’ credits.
A workshop for the training of teachers from two National Institutes of Education in Bhutan was the first primary-level SAF undertaking in which 58 teachers have since been trained. These trainees have since trained about 350 teachers in the framework of the Bhutan government's programme for introducing Information and Communication Technology in education. |
By providing computer facilities at the Centre, the objective is to: 1. Build up an IT base at the grassroots level;
SAF IT Coordinator Training in Reading (UK)At the inception of the foundation, each chairperson chose an IT coordinator who was sent for training first in 2000 at Plexus Technology, Mumbai, then at a series of workshops, and completed at Reading in the U.K. in March 2002. |
A Computer Laboratory at the Adh. Atoll Education Centre was established in the Maldives, a primary-level project which is in keeping with SAF's objective of imparting education to young people. |
10 scholarships were awarded for children of SOS Villages in Sri Lanka in 2005. Students from VTC Anuradhapura. |
On the recommendation of the Sri Lanka Chairperson, Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar, in 2001, the SAF funded the "Ma-Sevana teenage mothers project" undertaken by the Sarvodaya Suwasetha Sewa Society. This project is designed to house and rehabilitate abandoned teenage mothers who have fallen victim to rape or others forms of sexual abuse. |