UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism (UMCSAJ)

Since the 26 October 2010, Mme Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director-General announced that the 12 SAF Institutions of Excellence will be able to use UNESCO logo and named UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institutions of Excellence.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation (SAF) and the Media Development Foundation (MDF) sets forth the agreements reached between the parties relating to the setting up of the Madanjeet Singh Resource Centre for Journalism Studies at the Asian College of Journalism (ACJ) administered by the MDF in Chennai, India

June 2017:- MoU signed between South Asia Foudnation & UMCSAJ ( UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism)

Director   : Mr Sashi Kumar
Registrar : Ms. Sudha Umapathy

Applications for the SAF Madanjeet Singh group scholarship at ACJ should go through the secretary of the board of your respective country and get the approval of the Chairperson, whereas for Indian, the selection will be made by ACJ on marit bases of written test and interview. In an innovative move designed to promote regional cooperation, the South Asia Foundation (SAF) has instituted 8 full scholarships for young people (women and men) from the eight SAARC countries to study at the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism (UMCSAJ), Chennai.

The scholarships will cover the tuition, living and travel costs of the selected students for the duration of the ACJ's ten-month post-graduate diploma course in journalism.
Students from Afghanistan started benefiting from the scholarships in 2003, Bangladesh in 2002, Bhutan in 2002, India in 2002, Maldives in 2002, Nepal in 2002, Pakistan in 2004 and Sri Lanka in 2002.

A Bachelor’s degree is mandatory. Graduates in any discipline are eligible to apply for admission to the following:

  • ACJ-Bloomberg Business and Financial Journalism programme and
  • ACJ Integrated Multimedia Journalism programme.

Candidates who are yet to write their undergraduate degree examination (because of the delay due to the lockdown) as well as those awaiting the results of their undergraduate examination are also eligible to apply.

Enrolled students should provide their mark sheet or degree certificate to the Registrar ideally within the first week of commencement of classes. However, if the undergraduate exam results are likely to be delayed, more time may be given for submission of the certificates. All students awaiting their examination results should provide their degree certificate latest by the end of March 2024.


UMCSAJ 2014, April15
Front Row Left to Right:- Dr. Syeda Hameed, Vice Chairperson SAF-India; Madame France Marquet,Trustee MSF & SAF;  Prof Salima Hashmi, Chairperson, SAF-Pakistan
Second Row Left to Right:- Mr Navin B Chawla, Advisor, MSF;  Mr N Ram, President, MSF; Mr. Shigeru Aoyagi, UNESCO  Director & Representative to India; Dr Nishchal N Pandey, Chairperson SAF-Nepal; Mr Kamal Hossain, Chairperson, SAF-Bangaldesh; Prof Veena Sikri, Vice Chairperson, SAF-India;
During the Visit to UMCSAJ on 15 April, 2014


Entrance Test & Interview

After a careful assessment of applications, shortlisted candidates will be required to take an online entrance test held online in real time. Candidates can take the test individually in their homes or at any place where they have access to a computer with internet facility.

From this year the process of the online entrance test and the online interview that follows it will be ongoing and held at regular intervals from February 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023. Candidates applying for either or both of the programmes will be intimated, within a week of receipt of the completed application,

  1. a) the date and time of the online test, and
  2. b) date and time of the online interview to follow.

The test will assess the candidate’s English language skills, general knowledge and awareness of current affairs.

Candidates who seek counselling on the two postgraduate diploma programmes, may please call 91-44-22542842/43/44/45 or email admissionacj@gmail.com. They will be referred to the appropriate member/s of the faculty who can assist them.

Candidates selected for admission will receive an email within a week of the completion of the online interview.

This staggered on-going admission process will close as soon as the seats for the year are filled, or, by end May 2023, whichever is earlier.

Applicants from SAARC countries (except India) can be submited nomination through  their SAF- Scretary  - Click here to know your SAF- Secretry
SAF Scholar from India will be selected on written exam merit bases and interview conducted by Admission Committee of Asian College of Journalisum ( to know more visit ACJ website)


  • Applicants are required to indicate, in their completed application, both the stream of specialisation and the integration course opted for i.e. Print, New Media and Broadcast.
  • Application Forms will be processed only if they are complete in all respects and on receipt of the application fee.

News Asian College of Journalism (UMCSAJ), Chennai - 6th March 2025

UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asian Journalisum(UMCSAJ) announces fully paid scholarship for PG Diploma in Journalisum

UNESCO MADANJEET SINGH CENTER OF SOUTH ASIAN JOURNALISUM (UMCSAJ) announces FULLY paid scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Journalisum. Last Date to receive the nomination from South Asia Foundation Chapters is 7th April, 2025.

News 7th January 2025

Two Scholars selected from SAF-Nepal to Join UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism( UMCSAJ),ACJ

Two Scholars selected from SAF-Nepal to Join UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism( UMCSAJ),ACJ

In the media Kathmandu, Nepal - 18th December 2024

SAF Alumni Meet draws over 300 participants

The South Asia Foundation (SAF) Nepal Chapter organized the SAF Alumni Meet in Kathmandu in the first week of December. More than 300 alumni from SAARC member countries coming from various disciplines such as water resources engineering, journalism, green energy technology, international relations, law, development studies and forestry participated in the gathering graced by Vice President Ramsahay Prasad Yadav, according to a statement issued by SAF Nepal Chapter.

News UMCSAJ, ACJ, Chennai, India - 9th December 2024

Mr. Timothy Curtis along with Madam France Marquet visited UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of Asian College of Journalism at ACJ

Madame France Marquet, Principal Trustee of the Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF), and Mr. Timothy Curtis, Director and Representative for the UNESCO Regional Office for South Asia covering Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives and Sri Lanka, visited the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of the Asian College of Journalism (UMCSAJ)....

News Republica, The New york Times - 8th December 2024

Art as a bridge: SAF Exhibition celebrates South Asian unity

Speaking directly to the artists in attendance, Prof Hashmi challenged them to think deeply about the purpose of their work, “Every artist should ask themselves, 'Who is this for? Why am I doing this? Does it impact anyone’s life?' At that point, they create an audience for themselves."