SAF Bhutan(OYE) Introduction and News


Founder's Prologue

Hon. Lyonpo Sangay Ngedup was the Bhutanese Minister of Education on the occasion of our first meeting at Thimphu. An extremely energetic, efficient and dedicated civil servant, he has since served as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan under a system of governance in which Ministers are periodically rotated. He held the portfolio of Agriculture Minister. Bhutan’s transition from a monarchy to a parliamentary democracy is proceeding step-by-step. The first General Election took place in 2008 with 47 constituencies electing members to the country’s National Assembly.

Hon. Lyonpo Sangay is devoted to promoting regional cooperation and gladly agreed to serve as the first chairperson of the SAF Bhutan chapter in October 2000. His government wished to develop IT skills at the grassroots level, in particular in community schools. So, at his request, the SAF agreed to train Bhutanese teachers in information and communication technologies. Accordingly, two computer experts were sent from India and a workshop was set up to train teachers from Bhutan’s two National Institutes of Education. Within a few months, the first 58 local teachers were trained in networking, software installation and management and monitoring of information on salaries and student credits.

Bhutan is the first country in which the SAF has initiated such teacher-training projects, established within the framework of a government information and communications technology programme.
It was in Bhutan, too, that the idea of organizing the SAF Scouts Friendship Camps was first conceived to promote interaction and friendship between youngsters from different South Asian countries. The first camp was a great success and took place in Bhutan in February 2002.

Five hundred and fifty girls and boys from all seven SAARC countries attended and took part in activities including singing, dancing and playing musical instruments. The SAF also arranged a free community email service enabling the children to remain in touch in the following year.

The children were also encouraged to write essays and stories about their experiences at the camp on their return. The SAF Scouts Friendship Camps have subsequently been organized annually and held in the Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka. Pakistan Bangladesh and India with the same fundamental aims of fostering mutual understanding, forging creative friendships, and promoting regional cooperation.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation (SAF), a secular, non-profit and non-political organization AND The Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment (UWICE), a Royal Government research was signed on 17 March 2010 for the establishment of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at the Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment.


Organisation for Youth Empowerment(OYE) was established in  February 2021. A local initiative, OYE functions as the Bhutanese chapter to the South Asia Foundation (SAF).

OYE is set up to support the Bhutanese youth in finding meaningful employment. Our primary focus are youth that are school-going, enrolled in Technical Training Institutes, or those that have entered the labour market and experience difficulty in finding meaningful employment.

OYE is registered under the Civil Society Act of Bhutan as a Public Benefit Organisation with registration number CSOA-PBO-31.

Madanjeet Singh
SAF Founder

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Organisation for Youth Empowerment (SAF Bhutan Chapter)

SAF Chairperson: Dasho Ugen Tsechup Dorji
SAF-Bhutan, Chairperson
President of Bhutan Football Federation.
Sr. Vice President of SAARC Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Consul General of Thailand to Bhutan
Chairman of the Zimdra Group and Vice Chairman of the Singye Group Read more >

SAF -Bhutan Governing Council:

  1. Lyonpo Yeshey Penjore,  Ministry of Agriculture & Forests as Chairperson.

  2. Hon’ble Chairperson, Dasho Ugen Tsechup, Bhutan Jamchong Thuendrel Foundation (SAF-Bhutan) as Co-Chairperson.

  3. Madam France Marquet, Principal Trustee, MSF as Member

  4. Mr Navin B Chawla, Advisor to MSF as Member

  5. Dasho Shacha Dorji,  Director, UWICER, Bumthang as Member Secretary

SAF-Bhutan Secretary: Mr. Nima Gyeltshen -

News Thimpu, Bhutan - 11th December 2024

Ms. Kunzang Wangmo, UMISAA Alumna (Batch 2011-14), Wins 1st Prize in Art Competition

Heartiest congratulations to Ms. Kunzang Wangmo, an accomplished alumna of the Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Arts (UMISAA), Batch 2011-14, for winning the coveted 1st Prize at a prestigious art competition....

News Republica, The New york Times - 8th December 2024

Art as a bridge: SAF Exhibition celebrates South Asian unity

Speaking directly to the artists in attendance, Prof Hashmi challenged them to think deeply about the purpose of their work, “Every artist should ask themselves, 'Who is this for? Why am I doing this? Does it impact anyone’s life?' At that point, they create an audience for themselves."

News Thimpu, Bhutan - 25th November 2024

UMCSAFS announces 17th fully paid scholarship for the Academic Year 2024 at Royal University of Bhutan

The UNESCO Madanjeet Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan, is pleased to announce one candidate each for Madanjeet Singh scholarship from SAARC member countries for two years Masters Programme in Natural Resources Management (NRM) / Conservation Biology (CB) to be undertaken from July 2025 to June 2027...

News UMCDSRC, Kathamndu, Nepal - 1st January 2024

UMCDSRC Welcomes Diverse Cohort of Merit Scholars 2024 from SAARC country

UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of Development Studies and Regional Cooperation (UMCDSRC), National College, Kathmandu University, has been shared. Merit scholars selected from Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, and Pakistan, these fresh intake students reflect the international vibrancy and inclusivity of UMCDSRC's academic community.....

News UMCSAFS, Bhutan - 21st December 2023

UMCSAFS announces 16th fully paid scholarship for the Academic Year 2024 at Royal University of Bhutan

The UNESCO Madanjeet Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan, is pleased to announce one candidate each for Madanjeet Singh scholarship from SAARC member countries for twoyears Masters Programme in Natural Resources Management / Conservation Biology to be undertaken from July 2024 to June 2026.

Conference Galle, Sri Lanka - 25th November 2023

20th Annual Governing Council Meeting of South Asia Foundation held in Galle, Sri Lanka on 25 Nov, 2023

The Annual Governing Council Meeting of the South Asia Foundation (SAF) and Madanjeet Singh Foundation convened on November 25, 2023, in Galle, Sri Lanka. The meeting saw active Chairpersons from the Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka of South Asia Foundation chapters and Mr. Timothy Curtis, Director of UNESCO.

News Thimpu, Bhutan - 7th December 2022

South Asia Foundation- Bhutan's Alumni Meeting held on 6th Dec 2022 at 1800Hrs, Thimphu Bhutan

The Coordinator of Bhutan SAF Alumni Network, Mr. Sonam Tobgay welcomed the participants and expressed gratitude to Madam France for organizing the gathering of the 19 students. He also thanked the MSF and in particular late HE Ambassador Madanjeet Singh for giving the opportunities to undergo scholarship programs in the SARRC region. He also mentioned that

News Thimpu, Bhutan - 6th December 2022

Mr. Manuel Tripura SAF-Bangladesh scholar from UMCSAFS with Mme France Marquet and Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyar

Mr. Manuel Tripura SAF-Bangladesh scholar pursuing for BSc in Forestry Science at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre For South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS), College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan during SAF Bhutan Alumni meet with Madam France Marquet, Principal Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation and Mr Mani Shankar Aiyar, Chairman, South Asia Foundation-India.

News Brussels, Belgium - 14th October 2022

Mme France Marquet, Trustee MSF with UMISAA Alumni Artists Ms. Pem Lham and Ms. Kunzang Wangmo

Madam France Marquet, Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation, attended an Art Exhibition “Healing With Happiness” . The largest overseas art exhibition of Bhutanese artworks to date and has been put together by 68 Artists from Bhutan in which some of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Arts Alumni from Bhutan also exhibited their Art works....

News Brussels, Belgium - 14th October 2022

Mme France Marquet, Trustee MSF with H.E Amb.Tshering Gyaltshen Penjor at the inauguration of Art Show "Healing Happiness”

Madam France Marquet, SAF Representative to UNESCO and Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation met H.E Tshering Gyaltshen Penjor, Ambassador, Royal Bhutanese Embassy (RBE), Belgium during an Art Exhibition “Healing With Happiness” held in Belgium......