SAF Bhutan(OYE) Introduction and News

Testimony 24th September 2008

Barun Gurung

The most important thing to keep in mind is this: the design must work well.

Testimony 25th September 2007

Choney Pelzang

Sir this is just to inform you that studying in Beaconhouse National university was just an extraordinary experience for me.

Testimony 2nd March 2007

Jambay Wangchuk - SAF Secretary, Bhutan

Greetings from Bhutan. As instructed by the chairperson of the SAF Bhutan, I would like to update your Excellency on the recent development with regard to the SAF Bhutan.

Conference 24th March 2006
News 1st March 2002

Report from Pakistani Scouts - The First SAF-Scout Friendship Camp

The SAF-Scout Friendship Camp held in Bhutan from 20th - 26th February 2002 was organized by the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association along with South Asia Foundation.

Event Bhutan - 26th February 2002