
BPW Freetown, Sierra Leone, launched a campaign against COVID 19 and made a donation to the Mayor of Freetown of 8 wash stations and liquid soap to be distributed in selected marketplaces to help the market women. The event was covered by the press and aired on the major Radio and TV Stations, resulting in many congratulatory messages.


Organisation Mondiale pour ľÉducation Préscolaire World Organization for Early Childhood Education Organización Mundial para la Educación Preescolar

Nigeria. The program for hygiene and health Wash from the start is used and widely disseminated in schools and on platforms or networks.

<< Read here >>.

In Colombia, the NGO ASODAMAS , a member of Make Mothers Matter, created a local radio station, Radio Gestion Social, for vulnerable populations to broadcast health advice and provide information to populations isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...

In Bangladesh IFOR branch Anando has organized training of teachers –from primary to high schools- on prevention of COVID19 infection, hand washing, hygiene promotion, child protection, child psychology during the period of pandemic. Anando developed also an «Awareness Raising Campaign on COVID19» through Local TV Channel. Total five local cable TV operators have been engaged for broadcasting the prepared videos on prevention of COVID19 <>

Centre Catholique International de Cooperation avec l'UNESCO

Exchange workshop with decentralized health services to harmonize the fight against COVID 19. This meeting brought together 25 Head male nurses, 20 Presidents of the health commissions of the municipalities concerned, 30 Community Health Workers (CHWs). This workshop was complemented by a meeting with local elected officials

NGO's links for UNESCO
MMM : https://makemothersmatter.org/



BPW: https://www.bpw-international.org/

http://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/Business-and-Professional-Women-Freetown-BPW-103218481441091/ OMEP : https://worldomep.org/fr/



CCIC : https://ccicunesco.org/

IFOR : https://www.ifor.org/news