South Africa. Mentor Mother of the NGO
mothers2mothers member of Make Mothers Matter recounts the suspicion and social stigma that is very much still alive in the community during COVID-19 crisis : see the video testimony

Organisation Mondiale pour ľÉducation Préscolaire World Organization for Early Childhood Education Organización Mundial para la Educación Preescolar

Colorie tes droits

Global Project Color Your Rights (initiated by OMEP Cyprus)

Racism hinders the ideal of peace in the world...  Being aware of  one's rights helps to better combat discrimination. Art can be a way to achieve a serene future together and thus allow children to know their rights

Racism and Child Development  

Children's creativity in times of crisis


Some special attention was given to the Transgender group in two cities, namely, Chennai and Hyderabad, India. The Montfort Community Development Society (MCDS) in Chennai reached out to about 100 Transgender persons living in one locality, and provided them with livelihood items, especially related to food requirements. The situation is grim without daily work. MEF works with the transgender group organised as « Montfort Rainbows » since 2019 in Hyderabad (about 700 )Self employment programs are being initiated in study alternativ possibilities.

In Europe a couple of IFOR branches did an International "Day of Action" on the 27th of May under the title "Make peace the new normal" where they all used technology in some ways to bring the message "Pandemics know no borders! War and violence anywhere threaten health and peace for everyone everywhere" collecting photos, webinars etc

NGO's links for UNESCO







Compiled on  1 October 2020