Kenya, Nakuru, Internally Displaced Persons Camp, Corner of Hope, created after post-election violence; In 2010 early childhood class created for 200 children, then ECCE and elementary Montessori teacher training. Safety measures reinforced due to COVID, student teachers also initiated WhatApp use to study key texts in small peer virtual support groups.  

The COVID-19 infections in Kenya are currently increasing with the trends indicating a high rate of community infections. The schools, universities and colleges have been closed since mid-March and while there was optimism that the colleges and vocational training institutions would reopen in September, the increasing rate of infection indicates that this might be postponed until January 2021. The dates for reopening schools, colleges and universities are still uncertain, while measures are taken to make sure that at the time of reopening this can happen in a safe manner. Options for communication are limited within the Corner of Hope community, with little internet connectivity and access to technological devices. The teachers have embraced daily WhatsApp reading discussions as a way of deepening their knowledge and understanding of the Montessori pedagogy. A generous donation was made by the Montessori Pierson Publisihing Company which allowed the teachers to deepen their understanding through study sessions of key Montessori texts. The principal and the teachers are also working on additional hygiene measures within the school, in readiness for the schools reopening. These measures include: ensuring the schools have adequate handwashing points for maximum hygiene, foot operated sanitizer dispensers, thermometers, and washable face masks and measures for keeping distance. In the meantime, repairs and renovations have started to make sure that everything is in perfect shape when the children will finally be able to return to the classrooms. The renovation works include the replacement of the entire roof at the New Canaan school. The initial Hypar Cement roof structure will be replaced with stone coated roofing tiles, which are able to regulate temperatures, thus ensuring the inside of the classrooms remain cool throughout. Repairs to the school building at Kisima include application of a fresh coat of paint to the entire classroom. Additional works include the repair of the wooden shelves and making 20 tables and chairs for the children. An inception meeting was held with the contractors on 21st July 2020, whereby the scope of the works was agreed upon and contracts signed. Thereafter, all the construction works commenced on 22nd July 2020. The contractors are using local labour from the community to do the repairs and renovation works. It is expected that all the work will be complete within a period of six weeks.


In Time of Covid Crisis , The NGO Friendship a member of Make Mothers Matter, is keeping hospital boats operating during the super-cyclone Amphan displacing 2.4 million people in Bangladesh. Read More...

Organisation Mondiale pour ľÉducation Préscolaire World Organization for Early Childhood Education Organización Mundial para la Educación Preescolar
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Centre Catholique International de Cooperation avec l'UNESCO

CCIC India.

As a result of the national lockdown in India, tens of thousands of daily-wage migrant workers suddenly found themselves without jobs or a source of income. The Montfort Social Institute has provided more than 92,000 cooked meals to migrant workers along with helping them travel back to their native villages. This NGO tackles inequalities worsened by the current pandemic.

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