MoU between 'SAF' and the Institute for Kashmir studies

Srinagar, India - 21st August 2007

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and the Institute for Kashmir studies ("THE INSTITUTE") established under University of Kashmir, (KU) Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir.


This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and the Institute for Kashmir Studies ('the Institute') sets forth the agreements reached between the parties through Kashmir University Srinagar J&K - India relating to the collaboration in the regulation and funding of the Institute. This MoU is drawn up further to the submission of SAF Governing Council for the said purpose.

Establishment of the Institute

1. The Institute is established in Kashmir University Srinagar as an Institute of excellence for research and education in Kashmir studies. The Institute is established as an autonomous legal entity associated / affiliated with the Kashmir University Srinagar.

Objectives of the Institute

2. In conformity with the cardinal SAF objectives of promoting regional corporation the Institute will establish itself as a lnstitute of excellence for research and education in Kashmir Studies. Apart from offering group scholarships and vocational training for teachers, Kashmir studies including Jammu and Ladakh, will also study the valley's traditional commercial and cultural links with China, Tibet, Central Asia, Persia in addition to the important regions of SAARC countries. Thus the scope of Kashmir Studies will be considered in a much broader historical and geographical context. As the leading institution of its kind it will undertake teaching and research in its chosen areas.

3. From the allocated SAF funds, the Institute Shall annually offer not less than 10 SAF group scholarships based on gender equality (one male and one female scholar from each SAARC country). The full scholarships will cover the cost of travel, tuition, board and lodging, and any other expenditure. The group must necessarily include one male and one female student from Pakistan.

4. The Institute will manage the PPERA project in which 30 girls from Kashmir and 30 girls from the remote areas of Jammu are being annually trained as teachers of pre-primary education. ln order to encourage interaction among girls professing different religions, it is proposed that henceforth 15 girls from Jammu will study in Srinagar and 15 girls from Kashmir will go to Jammu. The cost of funding this project covering the cost of travel, tuition, board and lodging and any other related expenditure shall be paid by SAF in addition to the funds provided to the Institute.

5. The lnstitute will design and undertake research projects and provide financial support to research programmes approved by it. It will offer fellowship to academics and professionals from the SAARC countries to undertake research on topics relating to Kashmir Studies. It will also engage in publication of books, journals, working papers, bulletins and newsletters containing original research work and articles, reports and information about matters of interest to researches and other concerned in the field. The  Institution will organize national and international conferences, seminars, symposiums, workshops and lectures on subjects relating to Kashmir Studies.

6. The Institute will actively promote research on themes within its areas of expertise. The Institute will also design and undertake collaborative research projects, and will encourage outside resources persons from SAARC countries to become involved in the research initiatives of the Institute. Sufficient funds will be earmarked for research activities of the Institute.

7. The faculty, fellows, researchers and students of the Institution will be drawn from all SAARC countries, so that it acquires a truly South Asian character in the field of research, education, human rights and development in cooperation with the other SAF institutions of excellence.

Association of the Institute with University of Kashmir Srinagar J&K

8. The Institute will be responsible for entering into necessary agreements and arrangement with University of Kashmir Srinagar J&K, for purposes of offering Degrees, diplomas and for the use of support services and facilities of University of Kashmir, including a library.

9. The Institute will be establishes as an autonomous organization under the direct supervision of the Chancellor of Kashmir University, the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar J&K, who will act as the ex-officio Chairman of the Governing Body of the Institute.

10. The Institute will have a Governing Body comprising the Chancellor, Vice-chancellor of Kashmir University, Vice-chancellor of Jammu University and other academics from the region to which the management of the Institute' affairs will be entrusted. There will be an Academic Committee to oversee the academic affairs. The Institute will have a full-time Director responsible for its day-to-day management and academic affairs.

11. The organizational and management structure of the Institute will allow academic autonomy to encourage creativity and full contribution of its faculty, fellows, researchers and students in fulfilling its mission. It will have its own management and staff. At the same time, the Institution's existence as a part of University of Kashmir Srinagar J&K will be recognized.


12. The Institute will have financial autonomy. It will not be financially dependent on University of Kashmir, Srinagar J&K and will raise and spend funds in its own name with the approval of the Governing body and the Academic Committee.

13. The first Governing Body, Academic committee and appointment of the Institute's Director will be subject to the approved by the chairperson of SAF India Chapter. Subsequent appointments will be made in pursuance of appropriate procedures drawn up by the Governing Body and the Academic Committee of the Institute.

14. To start with, the size of the faculty of the Institute would be small and may be supported by outside resource persons chosen from SAARC countries. Both the permanent and the part-time faculty of the Institute will be drawn from SAARC countries, commensurate with the objective of regional exchange and collaboration.

Financial contribution of SAF

15. SAF undertakes to contribute a total amount of US$1,000,000/- (one million United States dollars) towards the establishment and operation of the Institute over a period of five years.

16. The first installment of the aforesaid contribution shall not be less than US$200,000/- (two hundred thousand United States dollars). This amount will be paid by SAF into a bank account ('the account') to be opened by the Kashmir University in Srinagar (with the permission of FCRA) and operated under the joint signatures of the Vice-Chancellor of Kashmir University and the Director of the INstitute.

17.  The subsequent annual payments of US$200,000/- (two hundred thousand United States dollars) will be made on receipt of the auditor's report that the previous funds allocated by SAF have been effectively utilized.

18. The Institute shall submit an annual Audit report to SAF Governing Council and a progress report on the Institute

19. In conformity with the SAF Governing Council resolution adopted in 2002 at Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France, SAF shall not fund any project without at least a matching contribution in cash or kind against SAF's financial assistance.

20. It is stipulated that SAF shall discontinue funding the Institute in case the Institute fails to fully comply with SAF's cardinal objective of promoting regional cooperation.

Additional financial support

21. The Institute will be responsible for raising additional funds that may be necessary for the operation of the Institute. The Institute undertakes to inform SAF from time to time of additional support that may be forthcoming for the Institute.

22. The Institute shall install a metal placard, prominently displaying the following text:

'The Institute for Kashmir Studies is funded by South Asia Foundation (SAF) which is a secular, non-profit and non-political organization, founded in 2000 by UNESCO Goodwill Ambasador Madanjeet Singh. The Cardinal objective of the organization is to sustain a movement, in particular involving youth, to promote regional cooperation and peace through education, cultural interaction and mutual understanding among the people of South Asia.'

'SAF has been admitted into official relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and recognized as an Apex Body of South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). The aims, objectives and activities of SAF are in conformity with the spirit, purpose and principles of two international organizations.'

Lt Gen. S. K. Sinha PVSM
Chancellor, Kashmir University, Srinagar

Prof. Abdul Wahid Qureshi
Vice-Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Srinagar

Shri Mani Shankar Aiyar
Chairperman, South Asia Foundation chapter in India, New Delhi

Shri Madanjeet Singh
Founder, South Asia Foundation (SAF), Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France