Participation of SAF Nepal secretary Mr Nischal Pandey to the international conference, Washington D.C.

12th July 2009

Participation of SAF Nepal secretary Mr Nischal Pandey to the international conference organized by the National Defence University, Washington D.C.


SAF-Nepal Secretary Nishchal N. Pandey hands over the "Kashmiriyat"
(by South Asia Foundation founder, UNESCO Goodwiil Ambassador,
Madanjeet Singh) to Associate Prof. Tyler Rauert, Near East South Asia
Center for Strategic Studies, National Defence University, Washington D.C.
  The "Kashmiriyat" being received by Nina Shea, Director, Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute, Washington D.C.

The "Kashmiriyat" being received by Jake Sherman, Associate Director,
Center on International Cooperation, New York University, New York.
The Kashmiriyat being received by Devin Stewart, Director, Global Policy Innovations, Carnegie Council, New York.