Meeting at the Ministry of Women Affairs, Kabul, from March 22, to April 5, 2008.

Kabul, Afghanistan - 31st January 2008

Meeting at the Ministry of Women Affairs, Kabul, to organize an exhibition of Afghan women painters at the Madanjeet Singh Institute of Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage, Kabul, from March 22, to April 5, 2008.

On January 9, 2008, Hon. Dr. H.B.Ghazanfar, Afghanistan’s Minister of Women Affairs called a meeting at Ministry of Women Affairs, Kabul, to discuss the modalities of arranging an exhibition of women painters of Afghanistan at the Madanjeet Singh Institute of Afghanistan Cultural Heritage, Kabul. The following officials were present:

H.E. Dr. S. M. Raheen, Ambassador of Afghanistan to India, New Delhi.
Ms. Amina Afzali, Advisor to the President of Afghanistan.
Prof. M. Alem, Dean of Art faculty, Kabul University.
Mr. Omara Khan Massodi, Director of the National Museum, Kabul.
Ms. Frozan Raufi Nabiyar, Secretary, SAF-Afghanistan Advisory Board.
Mr. Rahraw Omarzad, Director, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Kabul.
Ms. Faouzia, Director of Foreign Relation, Kabul.
Mr.Hussain Ali Moin, Director of economical department, Kabul.
Ms. Sara, In-charge of AWWOSM.
Ms. Manizha Tabibzadah, Executive Assistant in AWWSOM.
Ms. Fakhrya, Journalist, Radio Television of Afghanistan.
Mr. Usman, reporter of RTA.

Hon Dr. H. B. Ghazanfar welcomed the participants, Ambassador Dr. Raheen briefly spoke  about SAF activities in Afghanistan. He especially mentioned about Ambassador Madanjeet Singh’s generosity in having pledged an amount of a million US dollars to fund Afghanistan’s Institute of Cultural heritage, ad that it was on his suggestion that first exhibition of Afghanistan’s women painters will be held at the Institute. He said that SAF has agreed to fund the printing of the Catalogue, Invitation letters, refreshment, Stationary etc for the exhibition.  
Hon Dr. H. B. Ghazanfar, very kindly accepted to inaugurate the exhibition on March 22, 2008, and which will be on show April 5, 2008. It was decided to invite a number of Women Artists from different provinces of Afghanistan, the accommodation for whom in Kabul will be arranged by the Ministry of Women Affairs.

It was also decided that from the works of art exhibited in Kabul, 10 paintings will be selected and dispatched to Srinagar in Kashmir to be included the exhibition of women painters from South Asia.

Ambassador Dr. Raheen designated a committee of four members who will be incharge of making all the arrangements, namely Mr. Omar Khan Massodi, Mr. Rahraw Omarzad and  Ms. Frozan Raufi, secretary of the  SAF-Afghanistan chapter.

The minutes of the meeting was broadcasted on Radio Television of Afghanistan, RTA channel at 8 pm, on January 9, 2008.