"India has made enormous strides in the education sector in the past decades and teachers have been integral, in this progress. The National Education Policy 2020 recognizes and identifies teachers as the heart of the learning process, and that is why we decided to dedicate the 3rd edition of our State of the Education Report for India, to them. Without teachers, there can be no class."
Madam France Marquet had long discussion with Ms Gabriela Ramos on next UNESCO Madanjeet Singh prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence and the situation in Afghanistan.
Anarkali Kaur Honaryar's political career started after her father asked her to contest the elections in 2010. She was a dentist working with Afghanistan human rights commission and visited different provinces to help women and families in conflict with the law.
UNESCO Chair on indigenous cultural heritage and sustainable development is established for studies and research on indigenous language and knowledge systems that will be a significant contribution to the endeavours of cultural conservation of indigenous communities essential for world’s cultural heritage..
It was amazing to be invited to join the NGO-UNESCO Convention (Liaison Committee) on Youth and Advocacy representing SAF Nepal. There were more than 60 youths from all around the world coming together for a single cause that is the successful 75th anniversary of UNESCO
Mr Eric Falt , Director, UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office, which covers Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. presenting the book” Incredible Treasures, UNESCO World Heritage Sites of India to H.E Vishal V. Sharma, Permanent Delegate and Ambassador of India to UNESCO and Mrs France Marquet, Trustee Madanjeet Singh Foundation, representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO....
South Asia Foundation fondly remembers the visionary, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh, author, diplomat, painter, photographer and philanthropist who dedicated his life to the principle of regional cooperation among the countries of South Asia. He is the first Indian in the history of UNESCO to be nominated UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. The South Asia Foundation pays tribute to the memory of its Founder and dedicates itself to achieving his vision for the Region.
The publication, celebrating India's remarkable cultural heritage, was partially funded by the Madanjeet Singh Foundation with a generous contribution of USD 10,000. This support underscores the foundation’s enduring commitment to cultural preservation and its collaborative efforts with UNESCO to promote a deeper understanding of India's World Heritage Sites.
On #WorldArtDay2021, UNESCO New Delhi has collaborated with artists to highlight the uncertain situation of artists in India. The campaign, #UNESCOsupportsartists to strengthen the status of artists in the region by promoting a secure cultural policy and better social support for artists.