The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT), and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) are pleased and honored to invite you to help celebrate the Digital Games for Peace challenge....
The International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Level under the auspices of UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security in cooperation with the UNESCO, OHCHR, UN-Habitat, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)..
Mrs Bachelet UN High Commissioner for human rights, inaugurating the women’s exhibition in the Museum of Memory and Human Rights (Museo de la Memoria) directed by Mr Francoise Javier Estevez laureate of the 2014 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence......
he UNESCO WHEC2022 Youth Platform is officially launched! You are invited to join us in the World Higher Education Conference Youth Strategy, participating in a range of dynamic activities including calls, webinars, masterclasses, consultations, and podcasts, among others....
The re-elected Mrs Audrey Azoulay as Director General of UNESCO with the new President of the General Conference Mr Santiago Irazabal Murao on 10 November 2021
Madam France Marquet, assisted the 41st General Conference and to the re-election of Director General in which Madam Audrey Azoulay was re-elected as the Director General ....
"India has made enormous strides in the education sector in the past decades and teachers have been integral, in this progress. The National Education Policy 2020 recognizes and identifies teachers as the heart of the learning process, and that is why we decided to dedicate the 3rd edition of our State of the Education Report for India, to them. Without teachers, there can be no class."