Mme France Marquet, representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the 'Fifth International Forum of NGOs in Official Partnership with UNESCO'.....
wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciated your recent statement expressing concern over the destruction of cultural heritages in Iraq and Syria, Mali and Afghanistan. Your outstanding and tireless efforts to preserve world’s shared cultural wealth is invaluable. I heard through the news that you referred to the destruction of historic monuments and cultural heritages of religious, education, art .....
Ms Zil E Batool, South Asia Foundation scholar studying Jewelry Studies at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Art, Lahore, Pakistan (UMISAA) recently participated in the 52nd Show held in Sainte Marie aux Mines in June 2015. She then attended the forum on the “The Role of Women in Fighting Poverty”.....
Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, kindly took a few minutes from her busy schedule to have a conversation with Ms France Marquet, Trustee of South Asia Foundation & Madanjeet Singh Foundation.....
The Malian Ministry of National Reconciliation, in collaboration with the UNESCO office in Bamako, celebrated at the TUMAST Cultural Center on May 11, the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence awarded in 2014 to Mr. Ibrahim Ag Idbaltanat...
Mr Rashid Rana the new Dean of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Art (UMISAA) is present at the “la Biennale di Venezia “ (Venice biennial).....
This prestigious award, named after the Indian writer, artist and diplomat Madanjeet Singh, was awarded to Mr. Ibrahim Ag Idbaltanat for his outstanding contribution to peace building and conflict resolution among the different groups of Malian society, through dialogue and non-violence...