Winners of the 2018 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize to A Canadian filmmaker & the Kenyan NGO

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 3rd October 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended The Education & Gender Equality:The Perfect Partner for development

The 2016 GEM Report's Gender Review was published this week in the run up to International Day of the Girl Child thanks to the support of UNGEI. It shows that education is essential for empowering women to achieve gender equality, which in turn is vital for sustainable development.

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 3rd October 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended Education and Gender Equality: The Perfect Partners for Development

As part of UNESCO’s celebrations of International Day of the Girl Child, an event, co-hosted by UNESCO (Division for Gender Equality and the Global Education Monitoring Team) and....

News UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France - 8th September 2016

Mme. France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended UNESCO International Literacy Prizes award ceremony

Since 1967, UNESCO International Literacy Prizes have rewarded excellence and innovation in the field of literacy. Over 475 projects and programmes undertaken by governments, non-governmental organizations and individuals ....

News UNESSCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 6th September 2016
News Santiago de Chile, Chile - 3rd August 2016

We congratulate Mr Francisco Javier Estevez for his nomination as Director of the Memory and Human Rights Museum of Santiago

We congratulate Mr Francisco Javier Estevez for his nomination as Director of the Memory and Human Rights Museum of Santiago de Chile, Mr Estevez was the 2014 laureat of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence....

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 7th July 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended conference on "Migration for Sustainable Develop.."

Mme France Marquet, representative of South Asia Foundation attended "Migration for Sustainable Development: Social Transformations, Media Narratives and Education"...

News UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France - 7th July 2016
News UNESCO headquarters, Paris - 8th June 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the World Ocean Day at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris

World Oceans Day (WOD), held every June 8th, is the United Nations-recognized day of ocean celebration and action. People all over the world organize celebrations to support action to protect the ocean.....

News SAF-India Office, Delhi, India - 19th April 2016

UNESCO SWAN Women in Media initiative are being held at SAF-India from 3-5 May 2016

SWAN (South Asia Women’s Network) brings together women leaders from nine South Asian countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. SWAN .....

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 12th March 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the Mobile Learning Week (MLV)

Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO’s flagship ICT in education conference. The 2016 event will shed light on the ways technology can be leveraged — in different contexts and for different groups — to improve the quality of education now and in the future. The theme of Mobile Learning Week 2016 is “Innovating for quality”.....