News UNESCO, Headquaters,Paris France - 15th November 2022

Live Broadcast of 14th UNESCO Madanjeet Singh PRIZE for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence

"Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being" - Mahatma Gandhi

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 15th November 2022
News UNESCO Headquater, France - 14th October 2022

Mme France Marquet, Trustee MSF with Mrs Angela Melo Director Policies and Programmes UNESCO

UNESCO's e-Platform on Intercultural Dialogue (ICD) is a destination for audiences that want to learn from shared knowledge and experiences, or simply connect with one another to collaborate and exchange ideas......

News UNESCO Headquaters - 11th October 2022
News Paris, France - 19th September 2022

Mme France Marquet with H.E. Amb. & Mrs Dipak Adhikari during the reception to celebrate the 8th Consitution day of Nepal

Madam France Marquet,Principal Trustee to MSF & South Asia Foundation Representative to UNESCO with His Excellency Mr. and Mrs Dipak Adhikari Ambassador of Nepal to France and Permanent Delegate of Nepal to UNESCO during the reception to Celebrate the Eight Constitution Day and National Day of Nepal in Paris, France