Ms France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the sixth International forum of NGOs the Theme was“From promoting to building peace with NGOs” – Sixth International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO.....
Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of the UNESCO, and Ms France Marquet, Principal Trustee of the Madanjeet Singh Foundation, request the pleasure of your Company at the award Ceremony for the 2016 UNESCO Madamjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence....
Announcement of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence to Federal Research and Methodological Center for Tolerance Psychology and Education (Tolerance Center) of Russia..
The World Social Science Report 2016 is a collaborative effort made possible by the support and contributions of many individuals and organizations worldwide..
To commemorate the International Day of Non-Violence 2016 the Permanent Delegation of India to UNESCO & the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development organized Inaugural Ahinsa Lecture ..........