SAF News

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 23rd July 2012
Testimony Kathmandu, Nepal - 22nd July 2012
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 19th July 2012
Testimony Kabul, Afghanistan - 14th July 2012
Testimony Kathmandu, Nepal - 7th July 2012
In the media The Hindu - Puducherry, India - 30th June 2012
News Puducherry, India - 29th June 2012
News Puducherry, India - 29th June 2012
In the media Puducherry, India - 29th June 2012

Inauguration of UMISARC by Hon'ble Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh

It is a pleasure for me to be here at the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asia Regional Cooperation for peace and development. I am sorry that ill health has stood in the way of Shri Madanjeet Singh being with us this evening. I extend a warm welcome to Madame France Marquet......

News Srinagar, India - 6th June 2012

New UMIKS Director

Prof Siddiq Wahid has assumed charge as director, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies, at Kashmir University, Srinagar, on first of june 2012.