SAF News

News SAF - 28th July 2013

SAF Group Scholarships

SAF Group Scholarships are available for the following 4 UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institutes of Excellence.

News Paris, France - 26th July 2013

UNESCO/Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah Prize to Promote Quality Education for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

The Director-General of UNESCO launched on 24 July, the call to nominate candidates for the UNESCO/Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah Prize to Promote Quality Education for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. This Prize was initially established in 2002...

News UMISARC, Pondicherry - 23rd July 2013

SAF-Nepal Scholars at UMISARC

SAF-Nepal scholars in-front of the UMISARC building at Pondicherry. Altogether 6 Nepalese are currently studying in the university..

News Pondicherry, India - 19th July 2013

SAF-Nepal Scholars at UMISARC

A wonderful photo of 3 SAF-Nepal lady students enjoying on the beach of Pondicherry....

News UNESCO, Paris - 15th July 2013

UNESCO launches a call for projects driven by Young People

On Monday 15 July 2013, UNESCO launches a call for projects in order to identify and support 15 action projects (3 by region) which will be “certified” with the label “8th UNESCO Youth Forum” and implemented by, with and for young women and men between the 8th and the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum (October 2013-October 2015....

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 4th July 2013

Visit of Mr. Sangay Wangchuk, UMCSAFS, Program Director to UMCDSRC

On 28, June 2013 Mr. Sangay Wangchuk,UMCSAFS Program Director visited UMCDSRC and had a fruitful meeting with Mr. Ukesh Raj Bhuju, Coordinator, National College, Kathmandu...

News Sharnoff's Global Views, Afghansitan - 4th June 2013

An Interview with South Asia Foundation-Afghanistan, Secretary

Afghanistan’s history and culture are profoundly interwoven with South Asia. When the Taliban destroyed the colossal fifth-century Bamiyan Buddha’s and other priceless Afghan art, the South Asia Foundation (SAF) pledged to protect Afghanistan’s cultural heritage...

News Srinagar, India - 1st June 2013

Governor chairs governing body meeting of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies (UMIKS)

Srinagar, June 1: N. N. Vohra, Governor, has emphasized the need for making the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies (UMIKS)

In the media The Kabul Times, Kabul, Afghanistan - 25th May 2013

The Kabul Times:- Prof. Omara Khan Masoudi, Receives Honorary Doctorate Degree of Humane Letters

Dr. Omara Khan Masoudi, General Director of National Museum received the honorary doctorate degree of Humane Letters in 181st commencement Exercises of New York University which was held on Wednesday 22of May, 2013 at Yankee Stadium of New York city....

News New York, USA - 23rd May 2013

Prof. Omara Khan Masoudi, SAF-Afghanistan, Vice- Chair, awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters by New York University

New York University Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) presents: "Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage: A Conference in Honor of Prof. Omara Khan Masoudi"..