SAF News

In the media Pondicherry University, India - 17th April 2014

Economic situation no excuse to cut funds for education

India’s economic situation is no excuse to cut funding when it comes to institutions of knowledge,” said N Ram, Chairman, Kasturi & Sons Limited and Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation and South Asia Foundation, India chapter....

In the media Pondicherry University, India - 16th April 2014

Inauguration of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh School of Green Energy Technology, Green Building (UMSGET)

The new building of the Madanjeet School of Green Energy Technology of the Pondicherry University was inaugurated by Madame France Marquet, trustee of Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF)....

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 6th April 2014

Miss Indu Dhungana and Mr. Bishnu Pokharel selected Scholars from SAF-Nepal to UMIKS 2014 Batch

Excited Scholars to study hard at UMIKS, It is a matter of pride that Nepalese students are enrolled in all SAF Madanjeet Institutions at the moment. Most of them are returning upon completion and contributing to the betterment of the society

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 5th April 2014
Testimony Kashmir, India - 27th March 2014

Feedback from Dr. Samir Ahmad Ph.D Scholar, UMIKS

I am greatly thankful to SAF Chapter Delhi, which provided a handsome scholarship to me during my entire PhD research programme. It would have been very difficult for me to pursue my research without this scholarship....

News Moratuwa University, Sri Lanka - 25th March 2014

SAF announces fully paid scholarship in UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM)-2014

SAF Announces fully paid scholarship at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Water Management (UMCSAWM), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka for MSc/PG Diploma in Water Resources Engineering and Management... Last Date 16th June, 2014

News Pondicherry, India - 25th March 2014

Scholarship announcement to MA Program at UMISARC, Pondicherry University -2014 Batch

SAF announces fully paid Scholarship to MA Program at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Regional Cooperation (UMISARC) at Pondicherry University. The Scholarship carries monthly stipend of INR 10,000/- Last Date to apply 15 June 2014...

News Paris, France - 24th March 2014

Call for nominations for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence -2014

Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2014. The Prize is intended to honour significant activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural or communication fields that aim to promote a spirit of tolerance and non-violence.....

News Kashmir, Srinagar, India - 20th March 2014

Mr. Samir Ahmad Bhatt Completes PhD from UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies

Mr. Samir Ahmad Bhatt From Srinagar, India has been awarded Ph.D by Kashmir University after successfully completing her research at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies (UMIKS),Srinagar. SAF Family congratulate the UMIKS team and Mr Bhatt on this achievement.

News Bhutan - 12th March 2014

UMCSAFS pleased to announce the Madanjeet Singh scholarship for three years Sustainable Development degree program

Applications are invited from Afghanistan, Maldives, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. The scholarship will cover: a) Tuition fees b) Economy air travel from the scholar's place of residence within SAARC to Bhutan and back c) Monthly stipend of Nu. 12,000.00 based on existing SAARC scholarship rate to cover logistics and personal expenses d) Nominal book allowance and printings (Nu. 5000.00 per year) e) In-country travel as per Royal Government of Bhutan’s rate (Nu. 150.00 per day while on travel)