SAF News

News Facebook Page - 25th April 2020

South Asia Foundation Scholars and Alumni Association Panel Promotes COVID-19 Safety Amidst Challenging Times

In these hard Times our SAF Scholars Alumni Association Panel spreading message for all South Asia to be safe by the pandemic disease of COVID-19

News Kathmandu, Nepal - 16th April 2020
News Globe - 16th April 2020
News South Asia Foundation - 16th April 2020
News Facebook Page - 16th April 2020
News SAF Scholars Alumni Association - 16th April 2020
News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 5th April 2020

UNESCO extendes the nomiominations for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2020

UNESCO invites governmental and non-governmental entities, civil society actors and individuals active in strengthening foundations for peace and tolerance to propose candidates for the 2020 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence. Extension of deadline for submissions: 31 May 2020 at midnight CET.

News UMISAA, BNU, Lahore, Pakistan - 27th March 2020
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 15th March 2020
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 13th March 2020
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 12th March 2020
News UMCSAJ, Asian College of Journalism, Chennai, India - 12th March 2020

Scholarships open for Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism at UMCSAJ, Last date 20 April, 2020

UNESCO MADANJEET SINGH CENTER OF SOUTH ASIAN JOURNALISUM (UMCSAJ) announces FULLY paid scholarship for Postgraduate Diploma in Journalisum. Last Date to receive the nomination from South Asia Foundation Chapters is 20th April, 2020....

News Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India - 24th February 2020
News Kabul, Afghanistan - 22nd February 2020

Ms Mona Hossaini, SAF Alumna,UMIKS conducted interviews on Gendered nature of migration drivers and decision-making in Afghan

This seminar paper draws on a paper based on repeat interviews with eighteen families resident in Kabul (2016-2018) carried out by Mona Hossaini and Razia Razaie. The paper by Hussaini, Schuster, Hossaini and Razaie explores.....

News UNESCO Headquaters - 17th February 2020
News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 16th February 2020

Mme France Marquet, SAF Representative to UNESCO attended 13th session of Intergovernmental Committee of the 2005 Convention...

The Intergovernmental Committee of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions met at UNESCO Headquarters from 11 to 14 February 2020 in Room II...

News UMSGET, Pondicherry University - 16th February 2020
News Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 13th February 2020

2020 Youth & Oceans Conference

The 2020 Youth & Ocean Conference, organized by the World Youth Organization, will provide an opportunity for young people from around the globe to discuss..

News UMISARC, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India - 11th February 2020

Mr. Eric Falt, Director & UNESCO Representative delivered special lecture on the Futures of Education at Pondicherry University

Mr Eric Falt, Director and UNESCO Representative to Bhutan, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka addressed a special lecture at the Centre for South Asian Studies-UMISARC, Pondicherry University on “The Futures of Education” on February 7 2020...

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris, France - 7th February 2020

UNESCO seeks nominations for the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence 2020

The UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence rewards significant activities in the scientific, artistic, cultural and communication fields aimed at the promotion of a spirit of tolerance and non-violence....

News UWICER, Bumthang, Bhutan - 6th February 2020

Announcement for UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Scholarship at UMCSAFS for Bachelor in Forestry & Master in Natural Resouce Management

The UNESCO Madanjeet Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment Research (UWICER), Bumthang, Bhutan is pleased to announce the Madanjeet Singh scholarship for four years Bachelor degree program in Forestry and two years Masters Program in Natural Resources Management to be undertaken at College of Natural....Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan from July 2020 to July 2024 and 2022 respectively.

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 27th January 2020

Call for proposals: World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

UNESCO invites interested organizations and individuals to submit their proposals to set up booths and organize...

News Kochi, Kerala - 24th January 2020

N. Ram, President of MSF, selected for National Media Award

Mr. N. Ram, President of MSF and Trustee of SAF-India, has been selected for National Media Award.....

News Pakistan - 23rd January 2020
News UMCSAJ, Chennai, India - 11th January 2020

Ms. Aashiyana Adhikari from National College, Kathmandu University gave a presentation on Nepali media coverage at UMCSAJ

As part of the exchange of scholars among various SAF institutions, Ms. Aashiyana Adhikari from National College, Kathmandu University gave a presentation on Nepali media coverage on transport connectivity issues among South Asian nations at the UMCSAJ...

News Social Media, Facebook - 10th January 2020

SAF Scholars Alumni Association on Facebook

SAF gives us the platform to promote regional cooperation and peace, share and collaborate cultures between the eight SAARC countries. Our main objectives are to continue this great initiative of dear UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh.

News Paris, France - 10th January 2020
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 8th January 2020
News 1st January 2020

Audited- Statements of Madanjeet Singh Institutes of Execellence

Audited- Statements of Madanjeet Singh Institutes of Execellence

News Thimphu, Bhutan - 26th December 2019

Alumni Reunion of Bhutan Jamchong Thuendrel Foundation ( SAF-Bhutan) Chapter

BJTF which serves as the Bhutan Chapter of South Asia Foundation celebrated the first SAF Alumni Meet on 26th December 2019.....

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 26th December 2019

Alumni reunion of South Asia Foundation-Bangladesh held at UAP

A reunion of the South Asian Foundation (SAF) scholars’ was held at the University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka, on December 20, 2019.

News Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India - 23rd December 2019

Ms. Abhilasha Bhuju, UMSGET, SAF Alumna from Nepal, received Gold Medal in 27th Convocation held in Pondicherry University

On 27th Convocation held in Pondicherry University on Monday, December 23, 2019, Ms. Abhilasha, SAF Alumna from Nepal, received Gold Medal in person (she stood the first rank in MTech Green Energy Technology).

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 20th December 2019

A great reunion of SAF-Bangladesh Scholars - By Sharmin Tamanna, UMIKS Alumni (2015 Batch )

A great reunion of SAF scholars from Bangladesh held on 20 December, 2019 It was a great opportunity to be a SAF scholar. Thanks a lot South Asia Foundation- Bangladesh Chapter to arrange this Memorable evening....Sharmin Tamanna, UMIKS

News UMSGET, Pondicherry University - 17th December 2019
News Bogota, Colombia - 14th December 2019

Mme France Marquet, Trustee MSF attended 14 C Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage

This year, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage met in Bogota, Colombia from 9 to 14 December......

News Thimphu, Bhutan - 9th December 2019

Mr Karma Chorten Dendup, SAF Alumnus, UMCSAFS, Topped Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2019

Mr Karma Chorten Dendup, SAF Alumnus,UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) topped Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2019 (BCSE2019) in Technical Category with 73.26%.

News Lobesa, Bhutan - 3rd December 2019
News Male, Maldives - 30th November 2019
News Bandos, Male, Maldives - 29th November 2019
News Male, Maldives - 27th November 2019
News Marseille, France - 24th November 2019

Mme France Marquet, SAF Representative to UNESCO, attended the inauguration of the exhibition at the Marseille's Museum

Ms france Marquet attended the inauguration of the Marseille's Museum, Mucem where half of the artist where former students from the UMISAA (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Asian Arts)Lahore.

News UNESCO Headqauaters, Paris - 24th November 2019

Mme France Marquet, SAF UNESCO, attended celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the International Convention of the Child

On this occasion, UNESCO and the Defender of Rights in France are organizing a joint event, moderated by Mélissa Theuriau, where children's voices will meet the voices of politicians, associations, experts and other committed actors, at the country and international level, around 4 thematics:

News Netaji Subhash Open University, Kolkata, India - 23rd November 2019

Dr. Khan Touseef Osman, Alumnus of UMIKS (2013-17), delivered lecture on Trauma Studies, Remembrance/Amnesia and the Partition

Dr. Khan Touseef Osman delivered special lecture at Netaji Subhash Open University, titled "Trauma Studies, Remembrance/Amnesia and the Partition," was organized for the "Partition Repository Project".......

News University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India - 22nd November 2019

Dr. Khan Touseef Osman, Scholar UMIKS (2013-17) delivered lecture on 'Bangladeshi English Novel: Roots and Routes'

r. Khan Touseef Osman delivered special lecture titled "Bangladeshi English Novel: Roots and Routes" at the University of Calcutta, tracing the history of Bangladeshi English literature from Begum Rokeya till today. His particular focus was on the growth of Bangladeshi English novel since the 1990s as a result of globalization as well as the change in the economic scene of Bangladesh.....

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 13th November 2019
News UNESCO Headquaters, Bangkok - 13th November 2019
News Projected at UNESCO, Headquarters, France - 12th November 2019

Video message by Mr Sunil Sapkota, SAF Scholar at UMCSAFS during 40 UNESCO General Conference

Melting Himalayas, drying up of rivers and disappearing species due to climate change will severely affect the life of 1.9 billion South Asians. For humanity, our governments must lead the campaign, “To Curb Global emission”

News UNESCO Headquaters, Bangkok, Thailand - 5th November 2019
News UNESCO Headquaters, Bangkok, Thailand - 5th November 2019
News UMISARC, pondicherry, India - 4th November 2019

UMISARC organized special lectures on 'Contours of Humanitarianism, Security and Cooperation in South Asia'

NESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Reginal Cooperation (UMISARC) organized special lecture series on "Contours of Humanitarianism, Security and Cooperation in South Asia: Case Of Sri Lankan Refugees" by Dr. K. M Parivelan (Chairperson & Associate Professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

News UNESCO Headquarters - 4th November 2019
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 28th October 2019

Dr. Nishchal Pandey, Chairperson, SAF-Nepal celebrating UNITED NATIONS DAY, 2019 in Kathmandu

A Talk on "Promoting Global Citizenship and Governance for Peace and Development" organized in Honour of the United Nations Day, 2019 on 24 October, 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal by United Nations Association of Nepal

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 28th October 2019

Call for papers - Sustainability Special Issue

Currently, the built environment operates in a linear way where large amounts of nonrenewable resources are used, particularly in the urban areas of the world....

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 28th October 2019
News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 26th October 2019
News UMSAILS, Bangladesh - 22nd October 2019

Welcome Reception for the first batch of students of the UMSAILS LL. M. Programme

The freshers’ reception and orientation program of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (UMSAILS) LLM program was held at the University of Asia Pacific (UAP) on 19 October 2019. Twenty-two students of fifteen different public and private universities from South Asian region were admitted in the LLM Program with full and partial scholarships funded by UMSAILS.

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 21st October 2019
News SAF-India, Vasant Vihar, Delhi, India - 15th October 2019

Visitors to SAF-India Office

SAF-India had the privilege of welcoming two distinguished visitors, Dr. Eric Falt, Director UNESCO for India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives and Sri Lanka in Delhi and Ms. Nandita Das, Actor and Director.

News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 13th October 2019
News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 7th October 2019

The 2019 call for nomination is now open for the ICT in Education Prize

Recent technological progress, including the proliferation of frontier technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advancements in neuroscience, opens a new horizon of possibilities for learning, teaching and the delivery and management of education.....

News Babarmahal, Kathmandu, Nepal - 3rd October 2019

Mr. Koshal Hamal, Alumni (UMISAA, Pakistan) displayed his artwork at The Himalayan Art Festival

Koshal Hamal, Alumni of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Arts (UMISAA), work entitled “What is So Beautiful About This Painting?” is being displayed at the Himalayan Art Festival, Nepal. Himalayan Art Festival is organized by E Arts Nepal, is the most prestigious annual art exhibition of Nepali artists, the exhibition is well-known as a festival of Nepali Artists.

News Kolkata, India - 1st October 2019
News Quezon City, Phillipines - 26th September 2019
News Bangkok, Thiland - 10th September 2019
News Karachi, Pakistan - 26th August 2019

Mr. Farrukh Adnan Alumni BNU, UMISAA Batch 2012-14 visual artist shown new artworks at Koel Gallery, Karachi

Farrukh Adnan received his Bachelor in Visual Communication Design from National College of Arts, Lahore (2009). He completed his master’s in Art and Design Studies from Beaconhouse National University with the prestigious scholarship of South Asia Foundation (SAF) Madanjeet’s Singh Institute for South Asian Studies (2014).

News Thimphu, Bhutan - 25th August 2019

Dasho Ugen Tsechup Dorji takes over as New Chairperson, Bhutan Jamchong Thuendrel Foundation(SAF-Bhutan)

He is graduated from the famous St.Stephen’s College, New Delhi , Dasho Ugen joined his family business at a young age. A visionary par excellence , an excellent orator and a quick learner with modern outlook are the right.....

News Vizag, Andhra Pradesh - 20th August 2019
News Bangkok, Thailand - 20th August 2019
News Thimpu, Bhutan - 29th July 2019
News Lobesa, Bhutan - 25th July 2019

The First batch of Msc and 8th Batch of B.Sc Forestry at UMCSAFS begin from 24 July, 2019

Under the aegis of South Asia Foundation, UMCSAFS has been offering group scholarships to pursue B.Sc degree in Forestry since 2012 at College of Natural Resources at Lobesa under Royal University of Bhutan. Until now, a total of 14 students graduated; 11 with B.Sc Forestry, 3 with B.Sc Sustainable Development and 1 with Diploma in Forestry. However, 2 scholarship recipient; 1 from Maldives and 1 from Sri Lanka discontinued the scholarship on personal reasons.