When I first arrived in Lahore 8 months ago from Kabul, I was confused, lost and felt extremely out of place. Between the language barrier and a style of education that was completely alien to me, I felt overwhelmed.
I’m in my final year of Visual Communication Design under Madanjeet Singh Art scholarship at Beaconhouse National University, Lahore, Pakistan.
The Sikh fundoos have distorted out of all recognition the militant order of Khalsa that Guru Gobind Singh instituted in 1699. It is incomprehensible how anyone can project nine years of Khalsa as the raison d'ętre of Sikhism and give it precedence over 239 years of the history of Sikh Gurus.
Dr. Arunanshu Dasgupta, organized the event and invited noted History and International Relations professors from both Kolkotta University and Jadavpur University.
Located on the outskirts of the city of Kota, Rajhastan, VMOU has a vast 75 acre campus. With the recent increase in funding received from the Distance Education Council and the Rajhastan State Government; new buildings are being constructed all across the University Campus, including what will be a top notch satellite TV broadcasting studio for propagating Distance mode courses.
These fundoos, self-appointed custodians of Indian culture, may start chipping away at temple murals, breaking down monuments, and eventually targeting the temples at Khajuraho, Konarak, and Bhubaneshwar until they succeed in effacing the rich Indian culture of art, image, and narrative, to conform to their own one-track, fascist vision of what Indian civilisation is.
YCMOU is one of the largest Open University in the country, it spends a tremendous amount of capital on the Research and Development of its Agricultural courses and the continual improvement of its infrastructure. It has eight regional sub-centres, spread across Maharashtra and Goa; I was informed that the Regional Cooperation Seminar would be held in all 8 sub-centres, similar in presentation to the one in Nashik.
SOS-Kinderdorf International is an International Child development organisation working in 131 countries and territories through its member associations. In South Asia it has member associations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Nepal.
Although the staff at BAOU was tremendously hospitable, the University only held a Cheque Distribution ceremony with no Seminar component – this is strange considering the Seminar was the focal point of all correspondence with the University since the beginning of the current session’s cheque distribution process.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation (“SAF”) and the Media Development Foundation (“MDF”), Chennai.
MANUU, has by far, one of the best University grounds I have seen in the country – at par with Universities in the United States and in Europe. The officials organized a brief, yet highly informative seminar on Regional Cooperation. Furthermore, even though MANUU is well funded by the UGC, they see the affiliation with the SAF Scholarship Programme as more about Certification / Brand Affiliation than mere financial support.
BRAOU is situated right in the middle of Jubilee Hills, near the outskirts of Hyderabad, making it easily accessible from both the city and rural areas. Apart from being the very first Open University, BRAOU offers interesting and important programmes, such as various Bachelors of Science and Arts degrees. The University will soon introduce a Masters of Science Distance Learning programme as well.
Despite the oppressively hot summer weather, Jammu University’s campus is a treat for the eyes; it has a beautiful campus. Mr. Kuljeet Singh, Coordinator of the SAF programme, organized a seminar on Regional Cooperation, the Dean Academic, Prof. P.S. Sehgal and the Director of Distance Learning, Dr. O.S. Sudan, drew heavily from the SASIA Story.
The Tehelka Foundation organized the Education Summit 2007 on 27th April 2007 at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The theme of the Summit was: Equality, Quality and Quantity: The elusive Triangle of India Education.
Headed by Dr. Shafiqa Parveen, Kashmir University’s Distance Learning Department organized the SAF Madanjeet Singh Individual Scholarships cheque distribution ceremony / Regional Cooperation Seminar on April 25, 2007. An introduction was given about SAARC, its members, and of course, the South Asia Foundation.
Headed by Dr. Shafiqa Parveen, Kashmir University’s Distance Learning Department organized the SAF Madanjeet Singh Individual Scholarships cheque distribution ceremony / Regional Cooperation Seminar on 25th April 2007.
I was most impressed with TNOU. With minimal, yet extremely proactive staff, the University runs a very tight shift; both the scholarship allotment process and the seminar were very well organized.
KSOU is one of the largest distance learning institutions that SAF – India has worked with; it also has a beautiful, sprawling campus. I was told by University officials that, as third party funding from institutions like the Distance Education Council and State Government is limited, all infrastructure and personnel related expenses are paid directly from the fees collected by the students – which is why the SAF Scholarship programme is helpful.
The just concluded SAARC Summit in New Delhi has turned out to be quite historic in its own way. Besides the usual rhetoric by the member-nations especially between India and Pakistan, the Summit has seen significant new developments which can change the future course of South Asia if addressed in a proper way.
Located in the heart of Allahabad, the University itself is quite rudimentary, yet the staff consists of well educated and dedicated members. Dr. Dwivedi, Coordinator of the SAF Programme at UPRTOU put together a seminar, drawing together professors of Political and International studies from local Universities across Allahabad.
The disbursement of SAF-Madanjeet Singh Scholarship in respect of the following 16 Universities.
The President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, His Excellency Mr. Hamid Karzai; the Chief Adviser of the Government of the People.......
Taslima Nasrin is the winner of the 2004 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence.
Altogether 250 books donated by UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh on behalf of the South Asia Foundation (SAF) were handed over to the SAARC Secretariat library at a function held at the Secretariat, Kathmandu.
Taslima Nasrin is the winner of the 2004 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence.
Greetings from Bhutan. As instructed by the chairperson of the SAF Bhutan, I would like to update your Excellency on the recent development with regard to the SAF Bhutan.
The Conference of Editors from SAARC Countries, organized jointly bythe Media Development Foundation and the Ministry of External Affairs,Government of lndia, and held in New Delhi on February 9 and 10, 2007.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and the Institute of South Asian Studies ("The Institute"), established under Government College University (GCU), Lahore (in the process of formation).
Acceptance Speech of Dr. Madanjeet Singh (UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador) held on 8th January 2007, Karnataka State Open University, Kalamandira, Mysore.
On the 31st of December 2006 there were 241 children and 12 widows in the care of SOS Children's Villages.
The Special Meeting of the SAF Governing Council was held on Monday, 27th November 2006, at 09.00 am at the South Asia Foundation India Chapter Office, A-33 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi 110 057.
I would like to start by thanking you for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to come to Lahore. I was very disappointed when my visa didn't come through.
The Union Minister for Panchayati Raj and Sports, Mani Shankar Aiyarsaid on Sunday that it was impossible to be a Kashmiri without beingIndian
There is a need for dialogue among all sections of people to defuse communal tension in Jammu and Kashmir, according to the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and South Asia Foundation (SAF) founder Madanjeet Singh.
In accordance with the "Directives concerning UNESCO's relations with foundations and similar institutions" adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session in November 1991 and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, UNESCO Director-General KoĂŻchiro Matsuura, has decided to admit the South Asia Foundation into official relations with UNESCO
The UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and founder of the South Asia Foundation, Madanjeet Singh, has conveyed his congratulations to Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, on his winning the Nobel Peace Prize.
Malik Siraj Akbar writes While it is difficult to say who is or is nota Talib, one thing is clear: Quetta and other areas are swarming withpeople who are rabidly anti-US.
On 30th September 2006, 224 children were placed in the care of SOS Children’s Villages while the “Search and Rescue” activities resumed.
On Sunday Urmila Aryal, Minister for Women Children and Social Welfare, appealed to the Ministry of Health to arrange a VDC-level 24-hour maternity service to save women and their babies who succumb to childbirth.
I would like to thank professor Dhavan for organizing an incredibly well organized trip. During the day, we were able to meet with the entire committee, including Vice Chancellor Mattoo, give out certificates to last years graduates and visit six villages.
At the end of June there were 187 children in the care of SOS Children's Villages. Eleven children were reunited with their families.
The Director-General of UNESCO, KoĂŻchiro Matsuura, opened on Friday the annual meeting of the South Asia Foundation at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The South Asia Foundation (SAF), founded in 2000 by UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh, promotes regional cooperation and peace through education, understanding and friendship among the people of South Asia.
The annual meeting of the Governing Council of the South Asia Foundation (SAF) was held in Paris, France, on 17th and 18th March 2006 at UNESCO Headquarters and the residence of Ambassador Madanjeet Singh. It was opened by Mr. KoĂŻchiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO and attended by the Chairpersons of the eight SAF Chapters, Vice-Chancellors of South Asian universities, specially invited guests, secretaries of the Advisory Boards of SAF Chapters, and a number of Paris-based Ambassadors and Permanent Delegates to UNESCO and UNESCO officials. The list of participants is reproduced in an annex to this report.
Skilled Care at Birth for the Poorest by Dr. Rita Thapa, SAF Nepal Chairperson, Perinatal Society of Nepal & Chair, SAF Nepal Dr. Kasturi Malla, Director Thapathali Maternity Hospital.
The third SAF-SOS Environment Camp ended on 19th December 2005. The Camp was hosted by SOS Children’s Village Khajuri Kalan (India). This time the Camp had an additional feature focusing on the needs and care of special children, apart from the regular emphasis on the environment and sustainable development.
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and former diplomat Madanjeet Singh has announced Rs. 1 crore as earthquake relief for Pakistan and Rs. 50 lakh for the reconstruction of schools in his hometown of Uri, Jammu and Kashmir.
Invited by the SAF Founder to attend the South Asia Foundation Learning Initiative meeting in New Delhi on 14th December 2003, Professor Ahmed Khan Tareen, Vice Chancellor of Kashmir University, submitted a training project at the Institute of Home Science (Kashmir University).
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed in New Delhi between the SAF Founder and Vice Chancellor of Jammu University in December 2002 for a rural women entrepreneurship development programme.
The Founder of South Asia Foundation, Madanjeet Singh, Goodwill Ambassador to UNESCO, has conveyed his deep grief over the dastardly assassination of Lakshman Kadirgamar, the Foreign Affairs Minister of Sri Lanka.
(recipient of the Madanjeet Singh group scholarship)
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and the Chief Commissioners of National Scout Organizations in South Asia.
An agreement was signed in 2004 between South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and SOS-Kinderdorf International to grant scholarships.
After the South Asia Foundation Governing Council it was decided to conduct Environmental Work Camps for Youths from SAARC Countries. Accordingly, the Second Environmental Work Camp was held at the SOS Youth Village Farm Project at Bagerhat, Bangladesh in December 2004.