The 19th Governing Council Meeting of the South Asian Foundation (SAF) decided in Thimphu yesterday to make programmes vibrant in the region for youth. Dignitaries from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal attended the in-person meeting.....
The Coordinator of Bhutan SAF Alumni Network, Mr. Sonam Tobgay welcomed the participants and expressed gratitude to Madam France for organizing the gathering of the 19 students. He also thanked the MSF and in particular late HE Ambassador Madanjeet Singh for giving the opportunities to undergo scholarship programs in the SARRC region. He also mentioned that
Mr. Manuel Tripura SAF-Bangladesh scholar pursuing for BSc in Forestry Science at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre For South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS), College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan during SAF Bhutan Alumni meet with Madam France Marquet, Principal Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation and Mr Mani Shankar Aiyar, Chairman, South Asia Foundation-India.
The Annual Governing Council Meeting of Madanjeet Singh Foundation was held in hybrid mode at 1700 Hrs on 5, Dec 2022 in Thimphu, Bhutan
Mr. Mohsin Taasha SAF Alumnus UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Arts (UMISAA), Beaconhouse University in Lahore, Pakistan exhibiting his art work at "A La Galerie Dominique Fiat" on 10th December 2022 at 1800Hrs.
Two days National Conference Sponsored by South Asia Foundation-India on "Recent Trends in Green Energy Technologies" is designed to deliberate on research and technological development in various renewable energy technologies...
"Non-violence is not a garment to be put on and off at will. Its seat is in the heart, and it must be an inseparable part of our being" - Mahatma Gandhi
Madam France Marquet, Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation, attended an Art Exhibition “Healing With Happiness” . The largest overseas art exhibition of Bhutanese artworks to date and has been put together by 68 Artists from Bhutan in which some of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Arts Alumni from Bhutan also exhibited their Art works....
UNESCO's e-Platform on Intercultural Dialogue (ICD) is a destination for audiences that want to learn from shared knowledge and experiences, or simply connect with one another to collaborate and exchange ideas......
Madam France Marquet, SAF Representative to UNESCO and Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation met H.E Tshering Gyaltshen Penjor, Ambassador, Royal Bhutanese Embassy (RBE), Belgium during an Art Exhibition “Healing With Happiness” held in Belgium......
The UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Green Energy Technology (UMSGET) has successfully wrapped up its New intake process for the academic years 2022-23.The selection of Indian scholars was conducted with meticulous care, placing a strong emphasis on gender priority. The process involved a rigorous combination of a written examination, merit evaluation, and a comprehensive interview....
"The UMSAILS- UAP Spring School 2022" was organised by the South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights (SAILS), Centre for Law, Governance and Policy (CELGAP) and the University of Asia Pacific (UAP) centred around the theme of 'Law and Social Justice'....
Two days national conference on Recent Trends in Green Energy Technologies is designed to deliberate on research and technological development in various renewable energy technologies. Experts from various discipline of renewabl
Dr Nishchal N. Pandey, Chairman, SAF- Nepal met Mr Arvind Rodrigo, Chairman, SAF Sri Lanka and Ms Swinitha Parera, Secretary, SAF - Sri Lanka during his visit to Colombo.
Madam France Marquet,Principal Trustee to MSF & South Asia Foundation Representative to UNESCO with His Excellency Mr. and Mrs Dipak Adhikari Ambassador of Nepal to France and Permanent Delegate of Nepal to UNESCO during the reception to Celebrate the Eight Constitution Day and National Day of Nepal in Paris, France
H.E Vishal V. Sharma, Permanent Delegate and Ambassador of India to UNESCO says "Glad to Host Madam France Marquet of the South Asia Foundation that Sponsors the UNESCO- Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promition of Tolerance and Non Violence and Members of the Indian Diaspora. Amb Madanjeet Singh was a famous Indian Diplomat."
The sixth intake (2020–2022) of UMCSAWM, which included 11 full–time SAF scholars from different South Asian nations and 12 local participants, recently came to a satisfactory completion....
South Asia Foundation Five Alumni from UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Art ( UMISAA ) Mr. Mohammad Baqer Ahmadi, 2017; Ms. Latifa Ataie, 2013; Ms. Kubra Khademi, 2009; Ms. Shahida Shaygan, 2019 and Mr. Moshin Taasha , 2011 Batches are participating in Kuns Museum Thun International Art Exhibition in Switzerland
UNESCO Madanjeet Singh South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (UMSAILS) aims to be a regional centre of excellence through undertaking research works and offering post‐graduate education in South Asian law....
As part of the Art Schools of Asia program by lumbung artist Asia Art Archive, this workshop is a follow-up of the public talk Art Schools of Asia: Prof Salima Hashmi, Director, UMISAA, Beaconhouse National School and Mr Zheng Shengtian on June 21, 2022, and includes members of the Art Schools of Asia seminar that Asia Art Archive has conducted online since October 2021 for their first in-person gathering.
Madam France Marquet, Principal Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation and South Asia Foundation Representative to UNESCO in front of Mr Rashid Rana Art Work, exhibited in Art Basel. The work was purchased by a Swedish Museum. Mr Rashid Rana is the Director of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Arts, Beconhouse National University Lahore, Pakistan
The UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism (UMCSAJ) has successfully concluded its admission process for the academic year 2022-23. The selection of Indian scholars was meticulously carried out, with a strong emphasis on gender priority. The process included a written examination, merit evaluation, and a comprehensive interview.
South Asia Foundation Bhutan Chapter has convened its Alumni Meet on 4th June 2022. It was attended by 8 (in-person) and 10 (virtual). During the Meet, one of the agenda was discussed on the SAF Alumni
H.E. Sahar Baassiri, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Lebanon to UNESCO with Mme France Marquet, Principal Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation & South Asia Foundation representative to UNESCO, During her discussion on UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence
UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Centre of South Asian Journalism (UMCSAJ) organized Virtual Memorial Lecture on 98th Birthday Anniversary of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh
South Asia Foundation fondly remembers the visionary, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh, author, diplomat, painter, photographer and philanthropist who dedicated his life to the principle of regional cooperation among the countries of South Asia. He is the first Indian in the history of UNESCO to be nominated UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. The South Asia Foundation pays tribute to the memory of its Founder and dedicates itself to achieving his vision for the Region.
UNESCO World Higher Education Conference (WHEC2022) aims at reshaping ideas and practices in higher education to ensure sustainable development for the planet and humanity....
The UNESCO Madanjeet Center for South Asia Forestry Studies (UMCSAFS) at College of Natural Resources (CNR), Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) in Lobesa, Punakha, Bhutan, is pleased to announce the Madanjeet Singh scholarship (International students) for three slots (except Bhutan) for two years Masters Program in Natural Resources Management to be undertaken from July 2022 to June 2024.
The UNESCO Chair has launched a call for participation to collect case studies of successful projects and initiatives on how to involve children and young people in improving their health and wellbeing. The collection and analysis of case studies is part of a global initiative on genuine participation of children and young people in health promotion....
The South Asia Foundation (SAF), in partnership with UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), successfully completed the project "Strengthening a Gender-Sensitive Media Environment in the Maldives".....
Sets forth the agreements reached between the parties relating to the establishment and functioning of UNESCO Madanjeet Singh School of Green Energy Technology (UMSGET) and utilization of the funds received from South Asia Foundation-India.
UNESCO Representative to Nepal Mr Michael Croft has said that Nepali people should be able to build their narrative that best describes this culturally rich nation...
UNESCO Madanjeet Centre for Development Studies and Regional Cooperation (UMCDSRC) at the National College, Kathmandu University organized Ambassador Madanjeet Singh memorial talk on March 11, 2022 of Mr. Michael Croft, Resident Representative of the UNESCO in Nepal. More than 50 students and faculty participated
The Silk Roads encompass a vast region comprised of a network of maritime and land trade routes. They pass through South Asia and Southeast Asia, crossing the Russian steppes, Central Asia....
The UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), the United Nations Office of Counterterrorism (UNOCT), and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) are pleased and honored to invite you to help celebrate the Digital Games for Peace challenge....
Ms Pratiba Pant (4th year), Ms Shreeti K.C (1st year), & Ms Bidhya Neupane (3rd year), SAF Scholars, UNESCO Madanjeet Centre for Development Studies and Regional (UMCDSRC), National College, Kathmandu find place among the list of Semester Topper