SAF News

Testimony 24th July 2008

Neeraj Chandra Roy

I would like to express my gratitude for providing me the SAF scholarship to study in ACJ, Chennai. From the very first day of my class, I have felt that I will be able to gain a wide range of perspective(s) from this college.

Testimony 7th July 2008
In the media Special Correspondent, The Hindu - 5th July 2008

South Asian Centre for Journalists Reporting Conflict inaugurated

The South Asian Centre for Journalists Reporting Conflict (SCJRC), a joint venture of the Press Institute of India (PII) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was inaugurated here on Friday.

Testimony 3rd July 2008

Poornima Weerasekara - Mark of gratitude from a SAF Madanjeet Singh group scholarship recipient

I am Poornima Weerasekara from Sri Lanka, a lucky recipient of the SAF-Madanjeet Singh scholarship to attend the Asian College of Journalism this year.

In the media Nishchal N. Pandey, The Weekly Telegraph - 2nd July 2008

Srinagar Rocks not by Bombs but by the sound of Music

The South Asia Foundation (SAF) organized a rare concert of “The Singhs” and the “Junoon” groups in Srinagar in the third week of May.

News 25th June 2008

SAF - Quarterly

Message from the SAF FounderNews and Views on SAF activities

News 15th June 2008

Degree Show 2008, School of Visual Arts, Architecture & Design, BNU (Lahore)

This is a special time for BNU's School of Visual Arts and School of Architecture and Design students. In their 2008 Thesis Exhibition, our students are bringing four years of hard and challenging work to completion.

Testimony 5th June 2008
In the media 2nd June 2008

India's outlook on junoon in kashmir

Despite staying in the same hotel, it proved hard to pin down Salman Ahmed-the lead singer and guitarist of the Pakistani Sufi rock group Junoon-for an interview.

In the media The Tribune - 1st June 2008

Building cross-cultural bridges between SAARC nations

He did not become the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador by sheer chance. It was the trauma of India’s Partition and the images of violence engraved in his mind that forced Madanjeet Singh to promote cross-cultural ties among SAARC nations.

In the media Dawn - 28th May 2008

Junoon: Breaking down barriers

MUSIC knows no boundaries, allowing its universality to transcendage-old divisions and bring strangers — even rivals — closer to one another. Which is why one should appreciate, rather than condemn, concerts such as the one staged by Pakistan's Junoon band in Srinagaron Sunday.

News 27th May 2008
In the media The Asian Age - 27th May 2008

Sound track diplomacy

Everything is not politics in Kashmir, but everything tends to be

In the media The Asian Age - 27th May 2008

Pratibha says Kashmir is embodiment of compassion

Invoking Kashmir's revolutionary poet Gulam Ahmed Mehjoor, President Pratibha Patil on Monday asked its "gardeners (people) to create the glory of spring and make the flowers bloom and the birds sing again". She said Kashmir was rightly called rishiwaer or the abode of rishis as it embodies love, tolerance and compassion.

News Srinagar, India - 27th May 2008

Inauguration of the Exhibition of South Asian Women Painters

By H.E. Mrs H.B Ghazanfar, Women’s Affair Minister, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on the 27th of May 2008.

News 27th May 2008

Hum Bhe Kuch Hein ('We are also somebody')

Experiences of the young women awarded the SAF/University of Jammu Scholarship, by Salma Ali

News 26th May 2008
Testimony 26th May 2008

Deepamala Abeysekera - Mark of gratitude from a SAF Madanjeet Singh group scholarship recipient

I trust this mail finds you in best of health and spirits. Hope you can remember me. I am Deepamala Abeysekera from Sri Lanka. I am writing this email from United Nations Head office where I am engaged in my internship Programme.

In the media Jawed Naqvi, The Dawn - 26th May 2008

Junoon band enthrals Srinagar

Pakistan's acclaimed pop band Junoon staged their maiden performance in Srinagar on Sunday, ignoring death threats by militants who opposed the show, and regaling thousands of cheering fans at an open air theatre by the scene Dal Lake.

In the media Riyaz Wani, The Indian Express, Srinagar - 26th May 2008

With Pak's Junoon in full blast, Kashmir sings to peace, unity

The scene was like a postcard image of Kashmir - but superimposed with visuals straight from the Woodstock music festival.

In the media The Asian Age - 26th May 2008

Valleys enjoys Junoon

Popular Pakistani sufi rock band Junoon on Sunday mesmerised the audience at a concert here with 4,000 people, mainly school and college students, turning out at the concert and singing along with its superhit Sayouni, despite the opposition to the event from terror groups.

In the media M Saleem Pandit, Times of India Dehli - 26th May 2008

Next to Dal Lake, a musical jihad - Pakistani Band, Junoon, Performs In Srinagar

The hills that have for years reverberated with gunfire, came alive with the sound of music on Sunday afternoon as Kashmiris, particularly the youth, turned up in large numbers and swayed to the rhythmic beats of Pakistani Sufi ban, Junoon.

In the media The Hindustan Times, New Delhi - 26th May 2008

Junoon frenzy grips the Valley

Kashmir RockedPak Band performs for peace, calls it "Musical Jehad"

In the media Shujaat Bukhari, The Hindu - 26th May 2008

People-to-people contact must be strengthened, say SAARC leaders

Leaders from various South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries on Sunday called for strengthening people-to-people contact between India and Pakistan, which they said would help resolve the Kashmir issue.

In the media Shujaat Bukhari, The Hindu - 26th May 2008

Srinagar rocks to Pakistani band Junoon's music

Thousans turn up for the mega concert

News 25th May 2008

Inauguration of the Institute for Kashmir Studies

3.00 pm: The peace concert by the Singhs and Junoon bands.

News 25th May 2008

Inauguration of the Institute for Kashmir Studies

9.00 am: Meeting of SAF Governing Council in the “Durbar Hall” at the Intercontinental Grand Palace Hotel Srinagar.

Conference Srinagar, India - 25th May 2008

The 7th annual SAF Governing Council Meeting, Srinagar, India

On the morning of Sunday, 25 May, SAF-India chairman Hon. Mani Shankar Aiyar opened the 7th annual SAF Governing Council meeting in Durbar Hall at the Intercontinental Grand Palace Hotel Srinagar (Jammu & Kashmir, India). The meeting was attended the SAF Advisors: N .Ram, Lady Mohini Noon, France Marquet and chairpersons of SAF chapters except for Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, (Chairman, SAF-Maldives) and Dr. Kamal Hossain (Chairman, SAF-Bangladesh). Dr. Hossain was represented by Prof. Jamilur Reza Choudhury, (Vice-Chancellor, BRAC University) and Mr Farooq Sobhan (Former Foreing Secretary).

In the media Dawn, Pakistan - 23rd May 2008

Govt urged to stop Junoon's Srinagar performance

The United Jihad Council (UJC) has asked the federal government to stop the rock music band Junoon from performing in Srinagar, saying it may send a 'wrong message' to Kashmiris.

News Srinagar, India - 22nd May 2008

Scouts and Guides welcome SAF founder at Srinagar airport

On 20 October 2007, while attending the 22nd Asia-Pacific Region (APR) Scout Conference, held from 18-23 October 2007, in Tokyo, Japan, I met with Dr. N.A. Khan, Vice-Chairman Scouts Profile Committee, Asia Pacific Region World Scout Bureau and State Chief Commissioner J & K Scouts & Guides.

News Kabul, Afghanistan - 7th May 2008

Inauguration of Afghan Women's Painter at the Madanjeet Singh Institute for Afghanistan's Cultural Heritage

SAF is one of the most responsible Foundations of the South Asia region focused on cultural development and art efflorescence. One of SAF's main goals is presenting the culture and civilization of this region to the otherworld regions. Mr. Madanjeet Singh is the Founder of SAF.

News Bangladesh - 22nd April 2008

The 6th SAF-Scout Friendship Camp - Bangladesh

On behalf of the host Organization Bangladesh Scouts,we are please to inform you that the 6th SAF Scout Friendship Camp will be held on 12-18 October 2008 in Mouchak, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

News 16th April 2008

An orientation cum training was initiated here in Kathmandu on maternal and newborn health

An orientation cum training was initiated here in Kathmandu on maternal and newborn health to update knowledge of ANM trainers from the Jiri Technical Institute on essential maternal and neo-natal health care and complications management.

News 14th April 2008

Full placement for ACJ's Class 2008

I am happy to inform you that we have already achieved FULL JOB PLACEMENT for the Class of 2008 of the Asian College of Journalism as on April 10, 2008.

In the media Madanjeet Singh, The Hindu - 11th April 2008

Music has no religion

Fundamentalists and fanatics are barking up the wrong tree. Never ever has any obstruction or suppression of culture stopped the arts and music from transcending national boundaries.

News 21st March 2008

Vidya Shah, the young musician member of the Culture Sub-Committee

A speech recently delivered by Vidya Shah, the young musician member of the Culture Sub-Committee of the SAF-India Advisory Board.Presented at a Seminar organized by INTACH and Nakshband Educational Trust, IIC, March 15th New Delhi

News 17th March 2008

Present status of the Project PPERA, University of Kashmir, Srinagar (J&K)

PPERA a novel project funded by Goodwill Ambassador to UNESCO and Founder South Asia Foundation His Excellency Mr. Madanjeet Singh envisages checking school dropout rate in rural and urban areas of Kashmir and Ladakh.

News 17th March 2008

SOS Emergency Relief Programme-EQ - 1st October 2007 - 31st December 2007

On the 31st of December 2007 there were 212 children and 11 widows in the care of SOS Children’s Villages.

News 11th March 2008

So what was your experience in Lahore?

Flash!!! Flash!!! Flash!!! So what was your experience in Lahore? How did you come up with the idea of children? What do you think of the art scene in Pakistan? Very refreshing!!! Very impressive!!! You could have done better!!! Oh no!! I wanted that drawing!

Testimony 11th March 2008

Vidha Saumya

I graduated from Sir J.J. School of Fine Art specializing in Painting in 2005. After a year’s break during which I traveled, did freelance assignments and read, I joined Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology in July 2006 to study Visual Communication Design.

In the media Special Correspondent, The Hindu - 7th March 2008

SAARC to collaborate in social science research

Seven members of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation will step up collaborative and individual social science research in their countries to help to devise policies on the basis of scientific evidence.

Conference 4th March 2008
Conference Kabul, Afghanistan - 31st January 2008

Meeting at the Ministry of Women Affairs, Kabul, from March 22, to April 5, 2008.

On January 9, 2008, Hon. Dr. H.B.Ghazanfar, Afghanistan’s Minister of Women Affairs called a meeting at Ministry of Women Affairs, Kabul, to discuss the modalities of arranging an exhibition of women painters of Afghanistan at the Madanjeet Singh Institute of Afghanistan Cultural Heritage, Kabul.

News 28th January 2008

Invitation: SAARC Students Exhibition sponsored by SAF (Pakistan) and Beaconhouse National University (BNU), Lahore

Students from the Madanjeet Singh Group Scholarship comprising youngsters from the eight SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, are exhibiting their work at Alhamra Art Gallery.

Conference 19th January 2008

Minutes of the Meeting of SAF-India Advisory Board held on Saturday, January 19, 2008

Minutes of the Meeting of SAF-India Advisory Board held on Saturday, January 19, 2008, at 12.00 Hrs.

Conference 14th January 2008

SAARC - Towards Greater Connectivity

International Conference on SAARC: Towards Greater Connectivity

News 9th January 2008

The First Women Painting Exhibition in Kabul

H.E Dr.Raheen briefly talked about SAF activities in Afghanistan, especially H.E Madanjeet Singh’s donation of One Million Dollars to the Institute in Kabul and SAF scholarships to Chennai-India and Lahore –Pakistan.

Testimony 21st December 2007

Musharrat A. Chowdhury

Hope you are well. Sir, we both Bangladeshi students has graduated last summer from Beaconhouse National University, Lahore, Pakistan with SAF scholarship.

News 28th November 2007

Medical Equipment Handed over to CTEVT-Nepal

Medical equipment and training materials for the trainees of Assistant Mid-wifery course at the Council for Technical and Vocational Training (CTEVT) was handed over Tuesday afternoon by SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa to the Member Secretary of the CTEVT Dr. B.B Jirel.

In the media Special Correspondent, The Hindu - 23rd November 2007

Affront to India's pluralist culture

UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh has expressed shock at the Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen being compelled to leave West Bengal because of her secular views.

Conference 19th November 2007

SAF Meeting on Media, Publications and SAFDIC

In his brief introductory remarks, Mr. N. Ram welcomed all attendees and discussed the Agenda in brief; he emphasized that our Documentation Centres, publicity and activities should reflect our secular, democratic attitude and should also work towards a larger goal of preserving our “civilizational heritage”.

News 13th November 2007

Presentation of books to the Central Library of the Tribhuvan University

A large collection of books were handed over on Nov. 8th by Chairperson of SAF-Nepal Dr. Rita Thapa to the Tribhuvan University, Central Library at a function held in Kirtipur.

News 9th November 2007
Conference 25th October 2007

International Forum of Civil Societies meeting at the 34th session of the UNESCO General Conference

Ambassador Madanjeet Singh and Mme. France Marquet attended the meeting of the programme commission (i-V), during the 34th session of the UNESCO General Conference on October 25, 2007.

Conference Tokyo, Japan - 23rd October 2007

The 22nd Asia-Pacific Region (APR) Scout Conference - 18th-23th October 2007

At the 22nd Asia-Pacific Region (APR) Scout Conference, held from 18- 23 October 2007 in Tokyo, Japan, South Asia Foundation was awarded a plaque of recognition for its support to young scouts of South Asia to promote regional cooperation. The theme of this conference “Advancing towards the new Scouting Century” and the meeting was attended by more than 500 key Scout leaders from 24 member countries of the Asia-Pacific Region.

News 5th October 2007

To Whom It May Concern, Ministry of Health and Population

This is to commend the works of the South Asia Foundation (SAF-Nepal) for the successful implementation of training of the first batch of Madanjeet Singh Assistant Nurse Mid-Wife (ANM) Scholarship consisting of girls from the six poorest districts of Pyuthan, Mugu, Darchula, Kapalwastu, Siraha and Rameechap.

Testimony 27th September 2007
Testimony 27th September 2007

Sajjad Ahmed

'LANGUAGE' evolved from my interest in semiotics. The word 'language' is written in roman in traditional calligraphic style in arabic.

News 26th September 2007

Presentation of books to the Dean of Tribhuvan University's

This is to express my sincere appreciation for the generous contribution of books for the Department of Conflict, Peace and Development under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Tribhuvan University.

Testimony 25th September 2007

Choney Pelzang

Sir this is just to inform you that studying in Beaconhouse National university was just an extraordinary experience for me.

News New Delhi - 13th September 2007

Outstanding Parliamentarian Award to Mani Shankar Aiyar for the year 2006

On behalf of the Indian parliamentary group, the president of India, Shrimati Pratibha Patil, handed over the citation for the Outstanding Parliamentarian Award for the year 2006, to Mani Shankar Aiyar, Union Minister for Panchayati Raj, Youth and Sports.

News Rising Nepal - 4th September 2007

Presentation of books to the Dean of Tribhuvan University's Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

A large number of books were handed over by Mr. Nishchal N. Pandey, Secretary of South Asia Foundation (Nepal) to the Dean of Tribhuvan University's Department of Humanities and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Ramesh Raj Kunwar.

Conference Srinagar, India - 21st August 2007
Testimony 10th August 2007

Ayesha Sultana & Musharrat A. Chowdhury

This is only a small gesture of gratitude that we are unable to fully express. We have both graduated from Beaconhouse National University in May this year, and we are very pleased that some of us have been given a second opportunity to become a SAF Scholar once again, in order to pursue the Teachers's Training Program at BNU, Lahore, which allows us to study and teach at the same time.

News People's Review - 9th August 2007

South Asian University: A Long Felt Need

The 13th SAARC Summit held in Dhaka decided to set-up a South Asian University (SAU). Since then, academics, researchers, educationalists and bureaucrats from across the region have been deliberating on the modalities of this common regional university.

Testimony 24th July 2007
Conference Pakistan - 16th July 2007

MoU between 'SAF' and the School of Visual Art, Beaconhouse National University

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation ("SAF") and the School of Visual Art, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore, Pakistan.

News 14th June 2007

Proposal for the Admission of the Students for the year 2006-07 under Project PPERA

In Kashmir province there are 89 educational zones having 1165 schools with Pre-Primary education facilities set up by private agencies.

News 14th June 2007

Project Proposal for re-grouping of SAF-Madanjeet Singh Scholarship scheme for Women Enterpreneurship Development in J&K State

As a major initiative to provide vocational training and entrepreneurship development opportunities for women of weaker sections.

Event Murree, Pakistan - 10th June 2007