I want to see every child grow to full potential. I want to create a level playing field for all children - poor and rich alike. ln Pakistan nearly 45% of our 150 million people are under the age of 15.
When I first arrived here Lahore Pakistan as a SAARC student from Afghanistan in 2004 fall I learnt a lot, in a lot, and now I am hopefully graduating this year.
Exiled Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen who is currently in the national capital but will be leaving for a teaching assignment to a US university shortly, is disillusioned about her return to Bangladesh or India permanently in the near future.
The M.A. (South Asian Studies) program has started with 20 students, following the names of 12 SAARC students who joined the Madanjeet Singh Centre (MISARC).
SAF Nepal Secretary, Mr Nischal Pandey (right) handing over of the 'Kashmiriyat'to Dr. Paul Moorcraft
The UNESCO Director-General Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura has designated Dr. Kamal Hossain, Chairman, SAF-Bangladesh chapter, as a jury member of UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-Violence.
All I can say right now is Thank you sir. Thank you for your generocity. I would like to share my initial proposal which I am sure will require refinement in consultation with the Vice Chancellor of Pondicherry university. I look forward to your next book and hope I can remain in touch with you.
Two Bangladeshi young journalists have been awarded the SAF-Madanjeet Singh scholarship for the one-year postgraduate course on New Media Stream at the Asian College of Journalism (ACJ) in Chennai, India.
I am happy to report that Raju from Nepal has been nominated for the Sovereign Art Prize this year [Hong Kong] and Sajana [also from Nepal] work has been selected for the Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pondicherry University and the South Asia Foundation (“SAF”), for the establishment of Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asia Regional Cooperation (MISARC) at Pondicherry University.
The M.A. (South Asian Studies) program has started with 20 students, following the names of 12 SAARC Students who joined the Madanjeet Singh Centre (MISARC) along with their group picture, surrounding Prof. Tareen, Vice Chancellor and the Academia M.A. South Asian Studies.
Chairman of Nepal's Constituent Assembly (CA) and Speaker of the Interim Parliament Subash C. Nemwang received on April 29th from Chairperson of SAF-Nepal Dr. Rita Thapa the Nepali version of the 'SASIA Story' (SASIA Ko Katha)
On the happy occasion of the birthday of SAF Founder Ambassador Madanjeet Singh, SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa launched a 15 month music training for children of victims of conflict in Kathmandu on April 16, 2009.
As you must know, I am one of the Pakistani candidates to have received the Madanjeet Singh scholarship at Beaconhouse National University in 2003, till my graduation in 2007.
The DSC Jaipur Literature Festival, now in its third year, has grown to be one of the largest writer’s festivals in Asia. Over one hundred and sixty seven authors and various other artists attended the Festival held at the Diggi Palace, Jaipur from the 21st till the 25th of January 2009.
Greetings from the Kabir Project team in Bangalore. I am writing to report to you the successful completion of the Festival of Kabir in Bengaluru between Feb 23 - Mar 1, in which 10 Kabir artists of folk, classical and Sufi traditions from India and Pakistan performed to packed audiences at the 1300-seater Sophia High School auditorium and a range of satellite locations around the city of Bengaluru.
In the wake of terrorist attack in Mumbai, it was proposed by a number of theatrical groups, both in India and Pakistan, to jointly hold a number of theatre festivals in East Punjab.
The dialogue on "National and Regional Institutions for the Protection of Human Rights: Challenges for Bangladesh" organized in collaboration with the French Embassy about which I have written to you earlier was quite successful.
The Madanjeet Singh Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Kabul held its 1st four month training course in 2008 that started on Sep 23, 2008 and finished on Jan 12, 2009.
SAF-Nepal has received a letter of appreciation from the Jiri Technical School (JTS) at a function held on March 4, 2009 to mark the JTS's silver jubilee anniversary in Jiri of Dolakha district of Nepal.
SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa on Feb. 22, 2009 handed over the budget to Dr. Devi Prasad Ghimire, Vice-Chairman of the CTEVT for the implementation of 40 SAF-Madanjeet Singh scholarships to Jiri Technical School at a function held in Kathmandu.
SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa on Jan. 21, 2009 handed over a cheque to the Chairperson of Himalayan Health and Education (HHE) Mr. Ngima Tendup Sherpa.
The newly formed National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) would be a 'toothless body' unless it is equipped with 'enforcement mechanism' said the speakers at a dialogue yesterday.
As we go to our third Convocation tomorrow, I am thinking about what the scholarships from you have meant.I am forwarding you the message I received today from Rony James Martin, who graduated this year.
On 13th October 2008, The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (SAILS) Chaired by Dr Kamal Hossain, was launched under the auspices of South Asia Foundation (SAF).
The Madanjeet Singh-UNESCO for Afghanistan Cultural Heritage Institute, started its training courses 13 September, 2008 and its duration is for four months.
A new Secretary to South Asia Foundation Bangladesh Chapter has been appointed starting 1st October 2008 in the person of: Mr Obaidullah Al Zakir, a Public Relations, Media and Communication Professional.
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh reiterated the SAF offer, he had made earlier to Foreign Secretary, Mr Shivshankar Menon, to fund group scholarships to students selected by South Asia University (SAU).
Chief Adviser Fakhruddin Ahmed yesterday called on the Rover Scouts of Saarc countries to take every opportunity of making new friends in their assembly to foster greater regional cooperation in attaining shared prosperity.
President Iajuddin Ahmed yesterday said South Asia has a great development potential in terms of its diverse cultural heritage and human resources as one-fourth of the world population live in this region.
Chief Scout Commissioners of Saarc countries have reached an agreement to form a South Asian Scout Forum to strengthen coordination among Scouts in the region.
A NEW regional legal and human rights organisation named South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS) was launched in Dhaka to promote the sharing of experiences on legal and human rights affairs.
The South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS) was launched yesterday with a view to promoting higher legal education and ensuring human rights and the rule of law in the region.
South Asian Institute of Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS) was launched in Dhaka to promote the sharing of experiences on legal and human rights affairs.
The newly elected Prime Minister of Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' (Left in the Photo) is presented by Mr Nishchal Pandey, Secretary of the Advisory board of SAF Nepal chapter, "The Sasia Story".
The sixth South Asian Foundation (SAF) Scout Friendship Camp will begin at Mouchak in Gazipur today, says a press release.
On 26 May 2008, the Institute of Kashmir Studies was inaugurated in Srinagar, Kashmir, by H.E. Shrimati Pratibha Patil, President of India, to promote the traditional Bhakti-Sufi-Rishi pluralistic culture of Kashmiriyat.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation-India, a secular, non-profit and non-political organization located at A-33 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, herein after referred to as “SAF”, on the one part, and the Pondicherry University, a central University created by an Act of Parliament, located at Kalapet, Puducherry, herein after referred to as “University”, on the second part (hereinafter referred to as “parties”).
In my work I am dealing with the issue of energy by this I mean energy as power, power as authority, authority as control, control as rule, and rule as command.
My work orbits different aspects of the medical profession. In my work, I seek to show the vital importance of the medical and pharmaceutical industries in our lives.
My thesis project is comprised of surface designs for the ceremonial qanaats, or tents.
Lahore has been the city of my residence and study for the past 9 months. The city is special to me.
The most important thing to keep in mind is this: the design must work well.
A generous contribution of Nepali Rupees One Lakh Forty Thousand was handed over today at a function in Kathmandu by SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa to Managing Director of Kantipur Publications Mr. Kailash Sirohiya as assistance to Nepal's flood victims.
A few books were handed over this afternoon to Prof. Dr. Sushil Raj Pandey, Head - Political Science Department at the Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal on the occasion of the birthday of Ambassador Madanjeet Singh, Founder of SAF.
I would like to express my gratitude for providing me the SAF scholarship to study in ACJ, Chennai. From the very first day of my class, I have felt that I will be able to gain a wide range of perspective(s) from this college.
The South Asian Centre for Journalists Reporting Conflict (SCJRC), a joint venture of the Press Institute of India (PII) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was inaugurated here on Friday.
I am Poornima Weerasekara from Sri Lanka, a lucky recipient of the SAF-Madanjeet Singh scholarship to attend the Asian College of Journalism this year.
The South Asia Foundation (SAF) organized a rare concert of “The Singhs” and the “Junoon” groups in Srinagar in the third week of May.