SAF News

News 8th October 2008

Kashmiriyat: the latest SAF publication on the inauguration of the Institute of Kashmir Studies
Srinagar, 25-27 May 2008.

On 26 May 2008, the Institute of Kashmir Studies was inaugurated in Srinagar, Kashmir, by H.E. Shrimati Pratibha Patil, President of India, to promote the traditional Bhakti-Sufi-Rishi pluralistic culture of Kashmiriyat.

News 3rd October 2008
News 30th September 2008

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the 'SAF', New Delhi, and the Pondicherry University, Puducherry

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the South Asia Foundation-India, a secular, non-profit and non-political organization located at A-33 Vasant Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, herein after referred to as “SAF”, on the one part, and the Pondicherry University, a central University created by an Act of Parliament, located at Kalapet, Puducherry, herein after referred to as “University”, on the second part (hereinafter referred to as “parties”).

Testimony 24th September 2008

Ehsan Ul Haq

In my work I am dealing with the issue of energy by this I mean energy as power, power as authority, authority as control, control as rule, and rule as command.

Testimony 24th September 2008

Moira Plair

My work orbits different aspects of the medical profession. In my work, I seek to show the vital importance of the medical and pharmaceutical industries in our lives.

Testimony 24th September 2008

Maria Khan

My thesis project is comprised of surface designs for the ceremonial qanaats, or tents.

Testimony 24th September 2008

Vidha Saumya

Lahore has been the city of my residence and study for the past 9 months. The city is special to me.

Testimony 24th September 2008

Barun Gurung

The most important thing to keep in mind is this: the design must work well.

News 15th September 2008
News 29th August 2008

A generous contribution by SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa to Nepal's flood victims

A generous contribution of Nepali Rupees One Lakh Forty Thousand was handed over today at a function in Kathmandu by SAF-Nepal Chairperson Dr. Rita Thapa to Managing Director of Kantipur Publications Mr. Kailash Sirohiya as assistance to Nepal's flood victims.