SAF News

News Timphu, Bhutan - 15th November 2011
News Dhaka, Bangladesh - 3rd November 2011
In the media New Delhi, India - 31st October 2011
News Kathmandu, Nepal - 23rd October 2011
Testimony Puducherry, India - 19th October 2011
Testimony The Hague, Holland - 18th October 2011
News UNESCO, Paris, France - 17th October 2011
News Puducherry, India - 12th October 2011
News Puducherry, India - 9th October 2011

Visit to Lahore by Prof Vijay Kapur

Member, Academic Council UMISARC

News Puducherry, India - 9th October 2011

Lahore visit by Prof. N K Jha, LLB. M. Phil, PhD (JNU)

Director UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asia Regional Cooperation