Testimony from a Waseem Sajad research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 21st June 2016

Don’t go after his height, wisdom lies in his tongue! Waseem makes happy even his enemies, if any. A meeting with him makes one his life time friend. A loyal and trustworthy, Waseem will not disappoint you whenever you need him. His age has given him the power of understanding things, maturely. He makes beautiful jokes, but people hardly know it!


A Message

I am excited being with those of my classmates who are able to attend, first because we lived together, having fun, meals, and tea together.

Speaking for myself (perhaps it is true for everyone), we developed an intimacy and affection for each other that someone attending regular classes in any other department may not have experienced with their classmates. We love each other as brothers and sisters as with your siblings. It is possible not to like them but it is very hard not to love them and be there for them always. Not always do we find a friend in a classmate but here I was lucky, because every classmate turns out to be my friend. Hope we retain this friendship even after we move out.

With trust, faith and collegiality, we have managed collectively surmount our problems and move to greater heights with great sense of satisfaction. I look at the UMIKS as an Institute that nurtured me to build a strong foundation of a new career. It is time to move on to conquer new battles and scale new heights but I wish that nobody forgets the old friends who have loved you always. Let’s keep informed each other’s welfare. I am really going to miss you all.

Mobile:            +919858963226

Facebook:       Waseem Sajad (https://www.facebook.com/waseem.sajad.589?fref=ts)

Twitter:           @wsajad (https://twitter.com/wsajad)

Father:            Gh Mustafa Dar

Address:          Rangar, Chadoora, Budgam, Jammu and Kashmir