Testimony from a Faiz Rahi research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 15th June 2016

Faiz say Faiz Haasil Karo! A reserved yet too open, Faiz Rahi’s two years witnessed ups and down in terms of her health. A regular and a studious friend, she would act as a cushion in the ‘boxing hall’ of IKS. A curious observer, Faiz would remain stand by, see an event happening, walk and advise her friends what to do and what not. Listen! She can’t hold her emotions back, at times. Sit with her, talk and you will know Faiz is a Teacher-like student.

UMIKS Scholar Faiz Rahi

Memory & Message

I remember the first day at UMIKS when I entered in the class room. I was not acquainted with anyone except Saima. I sat beside her in the dialogue room. Some of our friends from Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh were sitting in front of me. I was asked to introduce myself and wherefrom I came. The teacher asked me to introduce my home district as well. I did the same and everybody was listening to me cautiously and tried to get every word which I spoke. I started with ‘Land of Springs’ (Anantnag) as the place is called and ended with Sufi-Shrines (Islamabad) in Kashmir.

I wish all of us should remain in contact for rest of our lives and should achieve our set goals in life and then after so many years shall meet again at a ‘grand re-union’ in Kashmir. Our classroom was unique in its type. We met people from different societies. Whatever we have learnt in these two years we should never forget. Let us try to remove our flaws and live a happy and productive life. Wishing all my classmates the best in near future! May Allah bless all of us with His Rahmah!

Mobile:            +919086474806

Father:            Abdul Gani Shah

Address:          Cheeni Chowk, Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir