Testimony from a Mehraj Ud Din Bhat research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 6th May 2016

He consumed most of these two years’ in his domestic issues! Mehraj is a sober guy but aware of his interests. His presence in class was alike his absence! Interestingly, he enjoyed benefits, that too, silently. Once you go on outing, take care, he is boundless. He doesn’t mind taking risks. An ambitious businessman, Mehraj gives utmost time to his given task.



The day I came to know that the students from SAARC countries are joining UMIKS for MA degree, you can’t imagine how excited I was. Without any delay, I decided to join friends from different nations. I felt a deep thrust to interact and communicate with those students. And finally, the day came and I was in IKS! At first, very few students had come and I felt disappointed. Within a month few more students joined the Institute. Students from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal turned up. No one from Sri- Lanka, Pakistan and Maldives.

In beginning of our course, I observed huge gaps between the local students and the students from other nations. I always searched an opportunity to get closer to them. With the passage of time things got changed and a rapport began to develop.

Some local students invited foreign students to their homes on marriage parties or on ‘Eid’. A strong bond of friendship began in our 3rd semester when we reached Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi to study. We stayed together, shared more ideas and feelings. Local students tasted the different varieties of food prepared by their foreign mates and they also tasted Kashmiri foods and took ‘Noon Chai’ with us.

Now a kind of family atmosphere of belongingness has been created among local and foreign students. We fought and then got united. It is very tough to imagine the situation that our fellow mates will leave the place now. Emotions have no limitation. I wish my friends good and prosperous future. May God make your lives full of progress and joy! May God bloom your lives everywhere. I welcome you anytime. Love unlimited for you all!

Mobile:            +919797273646

Father:            Gh Ahmad Bhat

Address:          Humhama, Srinagar Intl. Airport, Humhama, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir