Testimony from a Bisma Shah research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 5th July 2016

Single child of her parents, Bisma is a name everybody is serious about. An ambitious friend, Bisma loves to be loved! She has made a point: make her parents proud. Bisma shall be remembered for her statements, actions and reactions. An amalgam of youth and child, she asserts herself in the group. Bisma’s pride lies in friendliness, help and being bold.


Her Best Memory

Friends supported me always during the time of presentations. Notably, on the first day of my presentation, I stood beside the dais but couldn’t talk a single sentence. After two years, the same place, I spoke for over 40 minutes! This is the difference IKS made in my life.

Few Fine Words

Wish you all, a very happy and blissful life. May you all prosper and succeed in each and every step of your life. I am going to miss you all.

Mobile:            +919797798620

Facebook:       Bisma Shah (https://www.facebook.com/bisma.shah.3158?fref=ts)

Father:            Abdul Salam Shah

Address:          Waniyar, Safakadal, Eidgah, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir