Testimony from a Riyaz Khaliq research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 12th June 2016

A single person, but busy with many activities! He never says ‘NO’ to any work although he runs through time to avoid the delivery deficit. He is emotional to politics. Critical but romantic! He loves to irritate people whom he likes.


A Memory

It was during my college days that I strolled around Naseem Bagh in University of Kashmir (UoK) and my eyes were stuck at the sign board reading: Institute of Kashmir Studies (IKS). I had heard ‘something’ about it and I got curious. Meanwhile, I was cautioned when ‘someone’ putting blue Coat walked in to the IKS premises.

Just as my BA final year results were announced, Greater Kashmir carried news about just announced admissions in MA in ‘Kashmir and South Asia Studies’. Along with this subject, I was appearing in five subjects. As the luck had it, when results were public, I was second topper in IKS, and lost in other four subjects!

Years after, when I met Prof Sidiq Wahid in Jamia Millia Islamia, I was reminded of that person wearing blue coat and entering the IKS premises!

A Message

I write to begin a new chapter. I bid you adieu only to greet you next. It is not an end, my friends; we are furthering our relationships by spreading across South Asia.

Take this as an opportunity to make our camaraderie more vibrant. We agreed to disagree and why not, it should continue to make us curious about our friends in their respective countries. IKS has turned in to a melting pot of South Asia and now, it is up to us as how to frame it ahead. Wishing #BestOfBestDaysAhead, remember, I will remind you when you will forget me!

Mobile:           +919419052485

Facebook:      riyaz.ahanger (https://www.facebook.com/riyaz.ahanger)

Twitter:          @rkahanger (https://twitter.com/rkahanger)

Parentage:      Abdul Khaliq & Hafiza Khaliq

Address:         Ahanger Mohalla, Gund Hassi Bhat, Laway Pora, Srinagar, Kashmir- 190017