Testimony from a Touseef Rosool Wani research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 5th June 2016

When the result of entrance for this course was announced, the Kashmiri selected students were looking for the topper. And here he is! Likes to be dressed in black, Towseef has a sharp memory when it comes to the syllabus. Silent in the class, he would make his friends uneasy over phone with the news of assignments and results, alike.

Testimony from a Touseef Rosool Wani research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)


A Message

Dear friends, we studied together all these years and now we are going to be separated though physically but we are together in hearts. While you were here I learned so many things from everyone of you. Everyone has a talent and so do you. Let it shine out. Embrace your personality and unchain your inner strength. Always have hope and follow your dreams. Above all prayer is the master key. Give God first place in your lives and trust Him to lead you. I am really going to miss you, the canteen chats, classes, midnight studies. Remember me, with a smile and for the good. I wish that you be the very best in all of your life’s endeavours.

Dear teachers, you may be away from me but your teachings will never be. I may forget most of things you taught me from the text books but I will forever remember everything that you said from the heart. I will go away from this Institute but your teachings, morals, ethics and advices will always stay with me. I will miss you. Thank you for all the loving memories, wishes, and support. Goodbye! See you soon.

Mobile:            +919469220178

Facebook:       Towseef Rasool Wani (https://www.facebook.com/towseef.wani?fref=ts)

Parentage:      Gulam Rasool Wani

Address:          Iqbal Colony, Dialgam (Anantnag-Veerinag Road), Achabal, Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir