Education and Learning in and through Environmental Assessment

News UNESCO Headquaters, Bangkok, Thailand - 5th November 2019

Date: 4 November 2019

Education and Learning in and through Environmental Assessment

Date and time: 4 November 2019, 15:00 – 16:30

Venue: Bhiraj Hall 2, BITEC Bang Na, Bangkok, Thailand

On 4 November 2019 at the 10th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) in Bangkok, Thailand, UNESCO Bangkok and the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) are organizing a panel discussion on 'Education and Learning in and through Environmental Assessment: Experiences from Higher Education Institutions in Asia'.

As higher education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region increasingly place “greening the campus” high on their agenda, many have begun to introduce environmental assessment as a part of their administrative and operational strategies. A crucial question from the perspective of education is if, and how, learning for environmental sustainability is triggered and enhanced for the whole campus community in the process of undertaking the assessment.

The panel discussion will explore the following questions:

  • Does environmental assessment facilitate and contribute to promoting campus-wide environmental education and learning?
  • If so, what are some of the key aspects or issues that we need to be mindful of if we are to leverage environmental assessment as opportunities to promote education and learning for sustainability?

This session will bring together panelists from four institutions that are/have been involved in environmental assessment in Asia. Through the exchange of experiences and discussion on lessons learnt, the session aims to draw insights into how higher education may be able to contribute effectively to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through advancing the SDG4 on quality education and SDG 4.7 in particular.

Source:- UNESCO