Reception of Mme. France Marquet at the Universidad Simon Bolivar by the Chancellor Dr Manuel Jacques followed by a Seminar

News Santiago,Chile - 2nd October 2017

Reception  of Mrs France Marquet at the Universidad Simon Bolivar by the Chancellor Dr Manuel Jacques followed by a Seminar

Reception  of Mme. France Marquet at the Universidad Simon Bolivar by the Chancellor Dr Manuel Jacques followed by a Seminar

Seminar at the Universidad Simon Bolivar
Seminar at the Universidad Simon Bolivar, from left to right: Mr. Francisco Javier Estevez (Director of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Chair on tolerance and non-violence ), Ms. Camila Huenchumil (artist Mapuche), Ms. Veronica Matus ( Lawyer for the women’s rights), Mr.  Leonardo Polloni (Human Rights’ lawyer), Dr Manuel Jacques (Chancellor of the Universidad Simon Bolivar) and Mme. France Marquet Trustee, Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF) and Ms. Estevez, representing the Foundation  Contigo Igual (with you equal)