Two Day International Seminar
Governance, Human Rights and Regional Cooperation in South Asia::
Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization
April 19- 20, 2017 Concept Note
South Asia is a unique region in the world. It constitutes around 20% of the global population but its landmass hardly constitutes 4% of the globe. This region has been under constant colonial rule for centuries. It is also known for chronic poverty, unemployment and a large of gamut of deficiency of basic amenities for the common people. In October 2010, the United Nations published the list of Global Hunger Index wherein South Asia had poor index record. Soon after independence, democracy was accepted by the majority of South Asian countries as the mode of governance, but the region stands unsuccessful to provide adequate results as expected for a welfare state.
Though the area is also known for its historical proximity but due to variety of factors, regional cooperation either in economic or culture or human resource or disaster management still remains at bare minimum. In the era of globalization when several regions on the globe realize the significance of cooperation and regional integration mainly on economic terms, this region is known for mutual hostilities.
Nobel Laureate, Amartya Sen argues that without economic and social empowerment, the basic notion of democracy could not be strengthened. Due to the process of globalization, many regional groupings of the contemporary world have been able to reduce the rate of poverty with mutual cooperation. South Asia today is at the crossroad for sustainable development. Mutual cooperation is bound to be beneficial in this direction for all countries of the region. Despite the fact that the major objective of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is to bring mutual cooperation that came into being in 1985 but the trade amongst them remains limited to 5%. This situation is extremely dismal in comparison with European Union (E.U), Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and newly emerged North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), etc.
It is interesting to note that South Asia has been witnessing similar culture for several centuries. It could play a vital role in bringing regional cooperation and integration in South Asia. There is a strong need to consider this reality for our future action. As it is evident that due to prevailing tension, this region has remained under-developed and could not reap the benefits of the process of globalization. It has further aggravated the problem of poverty, which remains the root cause of all social evils prevailing in this region.
There are many other similarities like language, music and a common heritage within South Asia of which could be considered as the strength for mutual cooperation. If it is promoted, the potential of sustainable development could be enormous within South Asia.
There are certain issues that need to be addressed. The issues pertaining to human rights and good governance have acquired utmost socio political significance today and are considered as the new buzzwords of polity in the present context. Nowadays, the notion of human rights and good governance is echoed globally as it has become the yardstick to measure the extent of democratization in any socio political setup. Thus, the comfort of good governance cannot be delinked from the confines of human rights because of the reason that a population empowered to realize fundamental rights, has a bigger capacity to protect the same rights.
This is also true that Human Rights and good governance are mutually reinforcing and complementary. Good governance is a system, mechanism and process which ensure the realization of the goals and norms of the human rights. Good governance is widely used expression with no concrete definition. However, in its resolution 2000/64, the commission on Human rights identified the following key attributes of good governance: transparency, responsibility accountability, participation and responsiveness to the needs of the people. Thus in order to realize the norms and goals of human rights it is imperative to have effective, honest, equitable and accountable exercise of power by governments. Hence the need of the hour is to address these issues and challenges. This will not only ensure all round development of the region but can usher global stability as well. These elements of commonality need to be utilized by the regional countries of SouthAsia. If they succeed in doing so, the entire framework of development will take a new turn within the area and a new wave of peace and prosperity will prevail.
Keeping all these issues in mind, the UGC -Human Resource Development Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies (UMIKS) University of Kashmir jointly proposes to organize the International Seminar entitled, Governance, Human Rights and Regional Cooperation in South As ia: Opportunities and Challenges of Globalization.
The proposed Conference intends to invite scholars who are specialized in South Asian studies and related fields. The Seminar would basically focus on the following themes, though the prospective participants are free to choose the topics of their own concerning the major theme of the Seminar:
Note: The above sub - themes are only indicative. Authors may optother topics relevant to the
main theme of the seminar. Abstract Submission Guidelines All participants are required to submit abstract of about 300 words to
1.Only accommodation and local hospitality during conference will be provided to all selected participants.
Last Date of Submission of Abstract 05.04.2017
Communication about the selection of the abstract 07.04.2017
Final Paper submission 15.04.2017
(Ms. Muslim Jan)
Seminar Convener,
Course Coordinator, UMIKS
University of Kashmir
(Prof. Anisur Rahman)
Seminar Director,
Director, UGC, HRDC,
Jamia Millia Islamia
Prof Anisur Rahman, Director, UGC HR Devlopment Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia University was delivering the Welcome Speech
Prof Khurshid Andrabi, VC, Kashmir University addressing the audience
Participants present at Innaugural session
Prof Rajendra Govind Harshe, Former VC, University of Allahabad delivering the keynote address
Prof Talat Ahmad, VC Jamia Millia Islamia University addressing the audience
Dr. S. Azra Khrusheed, HR Development Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia University giving the vote of Thanks
Left to Right: Ms Muslem Jan, Coordinator, UMIKS; Prof Anisur Rahman; Prof K. I.Andrabi; Prof Talat Ahmad; Prof Rajendra Govind Harshe;Dr. S. Azra Khrusheed
UMIKS Scholar presenting the Boquet to Prof Talat Ahmad
Mr Imran Malik, UMIKS Scholar presenting the Boquet to Prof K. I Andrabi
Ms Reshmi Kumpakha, UMIKS Scholar presenting the Boquet to Prof Rajendra Govind Harshe