Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended The Education & Gender Equality:The Perfect Partner for development

News UNESCO Headquaters, Paris - 3rd October 2016

When, local time: Monday, 3 October 2016 - 3:00pm to 5:30pm
Where: France, Paris
Type of Event: Category 8-Symposium

Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended the Education and Gender Equality

The 2016 GEM Report's Gender Review was published this week in the run up to International Day of the Girl Child thanks to the support of UNGEI. It shows that education is essential for empowering women to achieve gender equality, which in turn is vital for sustainable development.

The review shows that countries with more women in parliament are more likely to ratify environmental treaties. Countries with more women with at least secondary education also have significantly lower rates of disaster fatalities. Education, especially that of girls and women, would curtail population growth that puts great strains on the planet. Sustainable development also requires addressing deep rooted discrimination and disadvantages in the workplace the world over, which education can help address.

Meanwhile, greater gender equality in education is needed if it is to be able to help break down gender barriers in society. This means assessing what and how children are being taught. New analysis shows that less than 15% of countries’ curricula frameworks mention gender empowerment. Only half mention gender equality.


The Review contains concrete recommendations

  1.  Equalitymeans much more than equal numbers of boys and girls in school. We must count the number of child marriages and adolescent pregnancies, monitor who has a say in family planning, working conditions, the percentage of women in leadership positions, and analyse teacher training and what textbooks and curricula are teaching our children every day.

  2. Institutions outside of education systems should promote gender equality through laws and policies protecting maternity rights, and improving labour market regulations.

  3. We need to improve the ways we work together. Those working on gender equality in education and gender equality in general should collaborate. We need a multi-sectoral working group set up to share best practices, and mobilise action

For more details  click here

 Source UNESCO Website