We congratulate Mr Francisco Javier Estevez for his nomination as Director of the Memory and Human Rights Museum of Santiago

News Santiago de Chile, Chile - 3rd August 2016

14 July, 2016

Mr Francisco Javier Estevez nominated as Director of the Memory and Human Rights Museum of Santiago de Chile, Mr Estevez was the 2014 Laureat of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence

 Mr Francisco Javier Estevez UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize winner SAF-India
  Mr Francisco Javier Estevez

To know more about Museum Click here

In the photograph from left to right: H.E the President of Chile, Ms Michelle Bachelet;  H.E. Mr Joachim Gauck, President of Germany;  Mr Francisco Javier Estevez, UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence laureate; Ms Daniela Schadt journalist and companion of the German President.