Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended the Celebration of the Mother Language Day 2016

News UNESCO Headquarters - 22nd February 2016

Mme France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the Celebration of the Mother Language Day 2016. The theme for 2016 is, Quality Education, Language of instruction and learning outcomes. On the occasion of the Day, UNESCO reiterates the importance of using appropriate languages of instruction, usually mother tongues, in early years of schooling. Formal and non-formal education systems should deliver quality education for all learners by taking a bilingual approach based on mother tongues. Such approach will contribute to achieving development goal 4 of the Agenda 2030


Celebration of the International Mother Language Day 2016

- 22 February 2016 -


Quality education, language(s) of instruction and learning outcomes


Tentative Agenda


10 a.m. to 1 p.m.





10 a.m. - Session 1                 Official Opening


Chair: Education Sector Representative


  • Welcome remarks: Ms Soo Choi, Director, Division for Inclusion, Peace and Sustainable Development


  • Speech: H.E. Mr M. Shahidul Islam, Ambassador of Bangladesh to France and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO


10.30 a.m. - Session 2            Presentations and discussion


Moderator: Ms Noro Andriamiseza, Programme Specialist, UNESCO


  • Mr Aaron Benavot, Director, Global education Monitoring Report (GEM):
    Launch of the Policy Paper on Languages “If you don’t understand, how you can learn?”


  • Mr Hamidou Seydou Hanafiou, Coordinator “Initiative ELAN”, from la  Francophonie (OIF):
    Impact of languages of instruction on learning (tbc)


  • Mr Fabian Charles: Club Radio France internationale (RFI)
    “Creole languages and languages of instruction”


  • Discussion and conclusion

Download:  Agenda 

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