Mme France Marquet representative of SAF to UNESCO attended the Ceremony of the UNESCO Juan Bosch Prize

News UNESCO Headquarters, Paris - 26th October 2015
Ms France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the Ceremony of the UNESCO/Juan Bosch Prize for the promotion of Social Sciences research in Latin America and the Caribbean, presented by Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO in the presence of Rafael Albuquerque Former Vice-President of the Dominican Republic, Laura Faxes. Ambassador, permanent delegate  the Dominican Republic.
The Prize was awarded to the young researcher Manuel Alejandro Olivera Andrade (Bolivia), He was selected by an international jury in recognition of his research on Lithium .


 About the Prize:

Jaun Bosch   The Prize was instituted by the Executive Board, at the initiative of the Government of the Dominican Republic, in connection with the commemoration of the centenary of Professor Bosch’s birth in 2009. In creating the Prize, the Member States on the Executive Board recognized the remarkable contribution of Professor Juan Bosch to the study of social and political processes in the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean region.

Awarded every two years, the Prize is intended to reward the best social science thesis of young researchers. The thesis, on a Latin America and the Caribbean subject, has to have made a significant research contribution to the promotion of social science research geared to social development policies in the region.

It was awarded for the first time in 2012 to Ms Karen Nathalia Cerón Steevens (Colombia), in recognition of the quality of her research on youth violence in Central America.

Inspired by the life of Professor Juan Bosch and the humanist spirit of his work, the Prize seeks to foster critical, rigorous and independent research on contemporary challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean, in ways that are useful for stronger public policies and practices. The objective of the Prize is to motivate young researchers to work in support of shared values of human rights and dignity and to promote new forms of solidarity.

The award winners receive a diploma and a monetary award of 10,000 US dollars.
