Mme France Representative of SAF attended 'Fifth International Forum of NGOs in Official Partnership with UNESCO'

News Beijing, People’s Republic of China, - 1st August 2015

Beijing (People’s Republic of China), 27-28 July 2015

Mme France Marquet, representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO attended the 'Fifth International Forum of  NGOs in Official Partnership with UNESCO'. She  also met to Mr Rashid Rana, representing the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Art, he spoke about   “Art, meeting point of cultural expressions”


In the picture (R to L) Mr Eric Falt:The Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information of UNESCO;
Ms France Marquet,  and Mr Rashid Rana, representing the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of South Asian Art.

Programme Schedule:

Beijing - South Asia Foundation-India France Marquet SAF

Beijing - South Asia Foundation-India France Marquet SAF

Beijing - South Asia Foundation-India France Marquet SAF

Beijing - South Asia Foundation-India France Marquet SAF