New Dean of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Art, Lahore (UMISAA) at the “la Biennale di Venezia”

News Venice, Italy - 25th May 2015

A File Photo of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh  from 62 years ago!
Ambassador Madanjeet Singh with Former Director General of UNESCO

Sixty two years
fter UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Madanjeet Singh brought the first artist to the “la Biennale di Venezia “ Mr Rashid Rana, New Dean of the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute for South Asian Art in Lahore, Pakistan, his works are exhibited at the Venice biennial 2015.

Mr Rashid Rana, UMISAA Director with Madam France Marquet, MSF & SAF Trustee
Right to Left : Ms France Marquet, Principal Trustee Madanjeet Singh Foundation (MSF) and Mr Rashid Rana, Dean, UMISAA, who's works are exhibited at the Venice Biennial meet for the inauguration in Venice on 5th May 2015