Ms France Marquet, SAF representative to UNESCO attended theEducation, Sport and Cultural diversity Event at UNESCO

Event Paris, France - 9th March 2014

Within the framework of the activities promoted by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, around forty NGOs organize, on 6 March 2014, in partnership with UNESCO, a day event to promote the universality of human rights to young public.

Hundreds of young people - between 18 and 35 years old - will be invited to meet at UNESCO Headquarters on the theme “Education, sport and cultural diversity: New ways to promote human rights around the world”.

Selected by an independent selection committee, ten project leaders are invited to talk about their work in favour of human rights. Coming from different regions (Ecuador, Ghana, Haiti, India, Italy , Madagascar , Mexico, Morocco, Paraguay, Togo), they are engaged in concrete actions - access to water, language preservation, fight against racism in particular through sport, gender equality.... Over the day, cultural sequences will alternate with project presentations.

Personalities from civil society and the sport world - notably Mr Andrea Agnelli, President of the Juventus Football Club and Ms Geneviève Garrigos, President of Amnesty International France – will address young people.

An information sheet about the event is attached.
