Feedback by Dr. Prasad Dharmasena, 1st Ph.D Scholar at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies (UMIKS)

Testimony UMIKS, Srinagar, J&K, India - 5th October 2013

It is my great pleasure to address you after completion of my doctoral degree under the Madanjeet Singh scholarship program. I am honored to have been awarded the Madanjeet Singh Scholarship for 2009-2012 academic years at the Kashmir University. Thank you for your generosity in providing this academic award. Madanjeet Singh scholarship was a great beneficial in helping me to achieve my academic and personal goals. Again thanks to your generous support, I feel that I am much closer in achieving my goals which I had in my life. This award is very meaningful not only financially, but emotionally as well, as it has strengthened my belief in myself to study in a different cultural and social environment who ultimately became my closer friends.

I had a unique background working in the Kashmir University as a research scholar. It gave me an immense learning and research environment background to build up my career as a academician and researcher under the well qualified expertise. As researchers, we were enjoyed a lot on the campus in a variety of activities with who came from different cultural and social backgrounds.

After doctoral degree, It is my commitment to attend for the regional development works in researching  and in all possible approaches with my specialized field. I am hoping this will give me a stronger satisfaction  as followers o Dr. Madanjeet Singh.

Dr. Prasad Dharmasena

UMIKS Scholar