Ms France Marquet representative of South Asia Foundation to UNESCO, attended an orientation Seminar for NGO

Conference Paris, France - 25th September 2013

 Orientation Seminar for NGOs on the 37th session of the General Conference

25 September 2013 – Room XI (10h00 – 13h00)




  •   Projection of a short video presenting UNESCO
  •  Introduction by Mr Eric Falt, Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information
  •   The General Conference: Presentation by the Secretariat of the General Conference


  1. General presentation: role, functioning, participants, working languages, etc.
  2. The 37th session of the General Conference: major challenges
  3. Communication: Website of the Conference, on-line journal
  4. Participation of NGOs: modalities, procedure for registration, taking the floor, etc.
  •  NGO related activities: presentation by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee and the Section for NGOs
  •  Questions/Answers
  •  Conclusion

View Orientation Seminar letter