Deepest Condolences!

Testimony India - 18th January 2013

Dear France,

Rajiv and I are shocked and deeply saddened to learn about Madanjeet's sudden passing away. Please accept our deepest condolences and sympathies on this irreparable loss.

You have been the strongest pillar of support in realising Madanjeet's vision for SAF. He depended on you completely for every aspect of his life's work. The enormity of the personal loss you have suffered with Madanjeet's passing away is so grave, that it is difficult for any of us to comprehend. May the Lord above give you the strength and the fortitude to bear this. Our prayers and support are with you every step of the way.

Please let me know if there is any way in which we can help, anything that you would like us to do here in Delhi.

Warm regards,

Veena Sikri
Vice Chairperson
SAF India