Testimony from a research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 6th July 2011

His Excellency,
Mr. Madanjeet Singh
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador
Founder, South Asia Foundation (SAF)

Subject: Feedback

Respected Sir,

I am pursuing my PhD programme under Madanjeet Singh scholarship and so far as benefits from the studies at UMIKS are concerned, they have been diverse;

  • Firstly the institute has an interdisciplinary approach, which has become an important and challenging technique in the modern curriculum. The interdisciplinary approach of the institute synthesizes more than one discipline and has helped in enriching my overall educational experience.
  • Secondly the financial assistance given under the said scholarship scheme has helped in undertaking my research in an environment which is free from stress and frustration which otherwise scholars face due to non availability of financial resources. This scheme has boosted my morale; hope this scholarship will be augmented to attract more scholars.   

My research in the institute of Kashmir studies can definitely contribute to reinforce regional integration, as it is promoting the sharing of experience and transfer of expertise. My research in the institute is unique in the sense that it has given me a chance to interact with the scholars and resource persons from different countries and discuss the different issues on the same platform which has promoted the interaction of diverse cultures through educational opportunities, and has helped in improving my cross cultural understanding.  

My ultimate gratitude goes to Shri Madanjeet Singh UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and founder South Asia foundation whose generosity has made it possible that there are institutions like Institute of Kashmir Studies. On behalf of all the beneficiaries of the scheme, i would like to thank the ambassador.

I wish the institute of Kashmir studies a great success ahead and may it grow at par excellence.

Sakeena Rather
Research scholar
PhD (Economics)
Institute of Kashmir Studies(IKS).