Testimony from a research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 6th July 2011

His Excellency,
Mr. Madanjeet Singh
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

Subject: Feedback


It is with great pleasure that I am here to share the experience of my association as a research scholar with the ‘UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies’ to ‘His Excellency Mr. Madanjeet Singh.’ I joined the Institute in December 2009. The topic of my PhD research is on The Development of Science, Technology, Art and Language during the Sultanate period in Kashmir. Though, there are number of scholars in Pakistan who focus their academic research on Kashmir’s social, cultural and political history. Nevertheless, I always consider myself privileged and extremely fortunate that I got the opportunity to do it here through the UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies.

The experience of being a research scholar within the Institute is just amazing in every respect and manner. The support and guidance that is being conferred upon by the Institute and everyone associated with it, from faculty to staff to other scholars is exceptional. As a result I always carry this feeling of loftiness with me. And I strongly believe that it is only possible because of the support and help that you have bestowed upon me and other researchers from various other SAARC countries, at the time when there is such a constrained political atmosphere among the neighboring countries. The monthly scholarship and financial support during field research makes it easier and much smoother for me to focus on my intended my research theme which otherwise would have been extremely difficult. I am extremely thankful to you for such a great favour.

The faculty and other staff member within the Institute provide a suitable atmosphere and guidance to pursue a genuine research. The interactions that take place on daily basis with the scholars within Institute enrich and nourish my knowledge, understanding and helps to improve the element of comparative analysis. The new entrants most of them locals have been very friendly, they always create homely feelings around me and never let me miss my home. The relations that are in the process of making among the current scholars are very intimate and sincere, I believe that this would result in developing a new nation.

Since I am of the opinion that it is a lifetime chance for some of us to carry out research in Kashmir, I would like to request there should a regular arrangement for the field trips, which will help us to explore the place and its social-cultural, historical aspects that we can reflect upon in our research findings. I am also of the opinion that more and more scholars from all the SAARC countries should be invited which I am sure will help the institute to grow and achieve its goals.

Best Regards,

Nadia Mehr Din (Pakistan)
PhD Research Scholar
Institute of Kashmir Studies,
University of Kashmir