Testimony from a research scholar UMIKS (UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies)

Testimony Srinagar, India - 6th July 2011

His Excellency,
Madanjeet Singh,
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador,
Founder South Asia Foundation (SAF).


I am Raja Nazakat Ali from Pakistan and am presently a scholar at UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Institute of Kashmir Studies, Kashmir India.

The Institute of Kashmir Studies, established through your efforts and run by the financial support of the SAF (India) has made my stay in India comfortable and my work on “Indus Water Treaty-A Geo- Political Study” fruitful. Though the Institute is still in its initial stages, yet it is growing and has been able to maintain congenial atmosphere for the Research and create the necessary infrastructure for the smooth conduct of the Research Programmes run by it. Besides the Institute has provided me with an international forum, where I am able to interact with the scholars from different parts of the world. I also got a field study grant that enabled me to conduct research and collect the required data from Pakistan also.

The interaction with the scholars from other SAARC countries and the scholars from around the world has widened my mental horizons and I have been able to shed my blinkers, for which my ultimate thanks are due to your Excellency only.

I think this scholarship has enabled me to be a better citizen of the world and not only of Pakistan.

Yours faithfully,

Raja Nazakat Ali
Ph.D Scholar
From Pakistan