From Souriya Anwar 30th August 2006
Dear Ambassador Madanjeet,
We will gladly follow your instructions for utilization of the funds provided for the earthquake affectees.
We presently have over 200 children in five different facilities and have also established a school in conjunction with the Emergency Shelter in Rawalpindi. The school budget for 200 students for one year is US$45,906/-.
Since there are only 75 children at this juncture the money will go farther, depending on the rate at which more children are admitted.
If you agree that your funds be utilized for this project please let me know. The school is being managed by the Catholic Diocese which has extensive experience is running schools and has provided the buildings both for the Emergency Shelter and the school.
With warm regards, Souriya
From Madanjeet Singh 30th August 2006
Dear Souriya begum:
Thank you very much for your email. I entirely agree with the arrangements you have made for the utilization of SAF funds.
Warm regards Madanjeet Singh
President SOS Children Villages of Pakistan Souriya Anwar with SAF Founder Madanjeet Singh.
From Souriya Anwar 26th August 2006
Dear Ambassador Madanjeet,
Greetings from Pakistan!
I hope you are receiving the reports regarding the SOS Emergency Relief Programme. I am attaching the latest one sent in July, incase you have not seen it.
You will note from the report on CE Identifîcatîon of Shelter sites, for the new projects that we have the required authorization for allotment of land. There has been a little progress since this report was prepared. All the seismic studies have been completed and the plans for the new cities are nearing completion. The consultants have been advised to identify land for SOS projects.
In our earlier communication I had indicated that, in view of your tremendous contribution for the promotion of education, it would be fitting to earmark your generous donation for the construction of a school. I hope you are in concurrence with this and that we have some positive developments to report before too long.
Thank you once again.
Yours sincerely, Souriya