Hameda Wardak - Foundation year, SVA.
Review of my first year in BNU.
When I first arrived in Lahore 8 months ago from Kabul, I was confused, lost and felt extremely out of place. Between the language barrier and a style of education that was completely alien to me, I felt overwhelmed.
Before attending BNU, I had never had any exposure in art and under this institution, I learnt to understand and appreciate it as I never had before. I was introduced to various tools and mediums which, at first hard to use, soon became easier and increasingly enjoyable. I discovered within myself a new found love for sculpture. Looking back at the past year now, reviewing the change in my work and maturing my skills, I feel proud of what I have accomplished.
And for this, he people of BNU to thank, for without the Art scholarship from Dr. MadanjeetSingh offered to me, and the aid I received, I would never have been able to come here and discover my talents and this whole side of my self.
Indeed I have learnt a lot, and BNU and Dr. MadanjeetSingh helped me grow as an artist as well as a person.